Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Off we go trick or treating

The evening started off a little rocky. Levi was scared of Maddie, I arrived not on time at Pooh's, and Bonnie & Clyde were having their moments. But nonetheless we were off and moving. Mom met us up in Berlin Heights to go trick or treating. Mom was all smiles. Me and Pooh struggled with those smiles at first.

Maddie spent the evening being worried about her projects due Friday. Mom spent the evening giving hellos to everyone. Brandon, and Sierra spent the evening trying to get away from us. Sienna was busy trick or treating. Pooh spent the evening keeping track of EVERYONE, she was the coordinator of the evening. Levi enjoyed the people and costumes. He was very well behaved. I spent the evening pushing the stroller (except for the small time out Pooh gave me from the stroller, which I didn't deserve), and enjoying the evening. I thought it was a lovely evening. It was Pooh's 2nd trip out trick or treating, since she did the one on Tuesday by herself I'm going to let her post all the pictures of the kids trick or treating. Look for her upcoming post to see more pictures of Halloween.


Wendy said...

You're just being lazy. You don't want the hassle of messing with those pictures. My post is started but I had to take a break to watch Survivor. Again, you're just being lazy. Oh~ yes you did deserve the timeout.

Emily Jade said...

Cute!! We institute the "count 'em" strategy. I count to 6 in my sleep...