Sunday, September 30, 2007

I'm Back

Again another picture that doesn't go with the post. This is a picture of the pond behind our house that is where they go fishing at.
Okay I'm finally back after days and days of not having my computer. My computer decided to crash. I was able by to put a little bit of my studies to use (that computer class that I said I would never use in life) to revive this computer. I was on the phone for days with tech support to revive my internet. (2 problems that were separate but happened at the same time) Not to mention I got a new anti-virus program that is fabulous, a new ethernet cord, and a new dsl filter. Computer is finally back up and running!
Now I also need to mention while in the process of fixing my computer the tech support had me looking for another dsl filter that the company had sent me (over a year ago) I was frantically looking for this thing when I sliced my finger open. I then had to take a computer fixing break and visit the emergency room. My mom watched my children, and my sister took me to the er. Now you remember my early posts about laughing at inappropriate times-my sister had one of those moments. She laughed all the way through this er trip. She found it funny that I had to get a tetanus shot. I found it painful. I know I may not be the best patient in the world, but I've come along way.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Raising a Boy

Today was a rough day between me and my son (probably the reason I'm having a hard time sleeping tonight). Tonight was football practice. It was raining in sheets at points and a steady rain at other points not to mention the rolling thunder that was booming outside. He got ready for practice and constantly watched the phone waiting to hear from his coach if practice was canceled. The coach didn't call so my husband and myself made a joint decision to cancel practice ourselves. Now let me give you some background information. Our children go to practice always they don't miss unless they have a doctor's excuse, they have practiced and played games in the rain a lot of times. However, I draw the line at thunder and/or lightning. My son is only ten he doesn't have to put his own health on the line for the good of practice. He knew why we made our decision, and heard the entire conversation to the coach on the phone. He was beyond disappointed. He cried, yelled, whined, stomped, etc. for most of the night. He didn't want to hear reason, didn't care about getting grounded, just plan didn't care. I felt like I was dealing with a two year old, but bigger. I finally gave up and put him to bed early. I understood his points, but bottom line I stood by my decision.

Brandon has a heart of gold. He is caring, loving, super smart, and enjoys life. He has an intense personality. Children don't come with manuals on how to raise them, and each child has their own personality. What works for one rarely works for another. The next challenge is boys are so different from girls. They think differently. Sometimes the best you can do is love them, protect them, and cherish them. He may not ever agree with my decisions, but I hope one day he can understand why I made the ones I did.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

And Then There Was One

This is my favorite glass. I have taken a couple views of the glass, but there is only one left in my once collection of four. I got these glasses at the flea market out of the collectors section. However, I don't collect these glasses I love them to drink out of. My aunt Brenda use to have these glasses, and they were always my favorite as a kid. So when I saw them I had to purchase them. The kids are aware of all the sentimental value of these glasses. In a cruel twist of fate the kids have broken the other three. So in case anyone ever runs on to a glass in this series please let me know.

Beauty Shop

This is me and Sienna. One of Sienna's favorite things to do with her Aunt Shell is playing beauty shop. Now that the three year old has figured out how to work her mommy's camera beauty shop now comes with photo time. Sienna loves to play make believe and pretend, and I really enjoy playing with her. It's good for us as adults to take a break from our own reality and play pretend through the eyes of a child.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


Before you watch the video you may want to turn the volume down a little on your computer. Okay I'm trying the video for the first time let me know how I do. I don't know why but the whole time the music was playing and the crowd was getting hyped I began to have silent real tears fall. I've watched my son play sports a hundred times, but today my heart was full of pride so much so I began to weep. Sometimes in life there are moments that are so precious and so rare you have to embrass them, and be in the moment. I'm suprised that this was one of them, but none the less it was. It's one of those times that you feel leaves a mark on your heart. I couldn't be prouder of my daughter, my son, and my stepdaughter. I love you guys!!


My children are in love with Aunt Poohie's dog, Lola. I will have to say this dog is somewhat impressive. She reacts with each child differently, but always excited to be around children. The younger ones she runs around with and plays. Levi she is cautious around for the most part, and Maddie she is more the lazy dog around. Maddie loves this part about Lola. Of course with Pooh's house getting a dog that makes my children want one. That's all cute, but they are not getting one. Been there done that, not going back. I'm quite happy with the cat we have.

Mini Cheerleading

Now for Aunt Shell's version of the mini cheerleading performance yesterday. Little Miss Sienna Pearl all smiles and following the cheers better than any other three year old out there. She even tried a jump. Very impressive stuff from my three year old niece. Moving on to my veteran niece Sierra Rose. She knew her stuff and wasn't a bit shy. She even took time to give Aunt Shell a pose. Her jumps are better than any one her age, and she can give the older girls a run for their money. She's going to be one of those types of cheerleaders that make you as the crowd get involved and show team spirit. The girls are growing up so fast. Good job yesterday girls!! Now you may be asking where were my children at during their cousins performance. Madeline was helping out with Levi and hanging out with Grami, she said hi to her friends, but knew yesterday was about family. Brandon was taking his chance to cash in on mommy not paying as close attention to him as usual. I found him playing with his friends behind the bleachers. He did join us to watch the girls perform their routine at the half time show though.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Last post today-I'm sure this time. This little bundle of joy has way too much energy for his own good. He already had his aunt shell running after him to save his life over the dog food. That wasn't enough for Levi he had to try and take his mommy out too. He was too proud of himself, as soon as the camera snapped he was all smiles from ear to ear. He has to be the reason behind Wendy's weight loss. You can't just go get Levi it is more of having to be in a dead sprint to catch this little miracle baby. I still love ya Levi.

Another Step for Woman Kind

Here is Mom's bathtub faucet. She installed it all by herself. She asked for help from several people, but due to a lot of people being busy she was stuck with no faucet. She read directions, studied the different types, and gave it her best shot. She did it!!! No leaks, and even the hot and cold water work in the right order. My mom impresses me so much. She takes that expression if you want something bad enough you'll find a way. She wanted to have water working throughout her house. All avenues seem to be closed for her to get running water. She continued on, and did it herself. It wasn't easy she had never done anything like this before. I am so proud of her!! One giant step for woman kind!

My Watch

Yeah I know I'm over blogging today, but so much has been going on. Okay we all see the picture now let me tell you the story. I had been trying endlessly to get a picture of Levi today. Wendy was busy fixing lunch, and I had Levi under control. I was snapping pictures left and right and then reviewing. As soon as I snapped this one I did run over to retrieve Levi before he continued on. I didn't win the award today for best aunt watcher, but in my defense I didn't let Levi eat dog food either.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Dad! Yes, my card will be late this year. Not that my dad will read this post, but for my own conscience I'm going make this post anyway. Hands down my dad was a vital part of my growing up. He is the one that was always getting in trouble with us kids for laughing at funerals. He also taught me how to drive my first stick shift car. (Being a parent who has taught her daughter how to drive I now appreciate the fact that it wasn't easy for him) I know that my parents now have very separate lives, but they did right for me and my sister growing up. I have a lot of good memories. I wasn't one of those kids that was embarrassed about their parents. I loved the summers by the pool, and could guarantee that the summer holidays would be spent there as a family. The oldies would be cranked up loud, lots of laughing would be involved, mom's potato salad would be hit hard throughout the day, and a good time would be had by all. Happy Birthday Dad!

Running With The Big Dogs

This is what happens to your child after a good sleep over. This is how Maddie spent the second half of Brandon's game last Sunday. She spent the night with her friend Katie had a fabulous time, and then meet me at the game. I think sleepovers are a vital part of children growing up even if they are unbearable the next day. I've been teaching the kids about the old phrase, "when you run with the big dogs all night, be prepared to run with the big dogs the next day." Some of my best memories growing up were going to sleepovers, and having sleepovers. I will say however, sleepovers for Brandon are completely different no giggling involved.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A Little Inspiration

Inspiration, motivation, determination, love, support, and humor these are the qualities my sister gives to me everyday. Growing up we didn't get along half as good as we do now. We still get on each others nerves, but we take it with a grain of salt. Growing up we were taught about humor. Sadly, Mom would have to take us to a back room for laughing during a funeral, or make us leave the sanctuary during church for again laughing. As I have gotten older laughing has been the best coping mechanism I have to deal with life, and yes still to this day sometimes inappropriately. My sister has become a vital part of my life the older I get. Not just my world, but my children's world. She is the great Aunt Poohie. She has recently developed this very calming nature to deal with everything. Seeing her accomplish this makes me strive to become a little more calm myself. Her personality is contagious good or bad. I would like to take this post to say "thanks Pooh for just being you".

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Green Witch

Okay I know this is a weird post, but hear me out. We passed through the town of Greenwich on our way back from Col. Crawford the other day. On our way through the kids seen the only thing they know in the town of Greenwich....the Green Witch ice cream stand. We had to stop not for the ice cream but for slushies, hot dogs, and fries. I don't know why but they love this place. Now since the blog is about the interests of mine and the kids I had to include this post. We don't stop at very many ice cream stands-largely because Maddie and me can't have milk products, but when we do go it is very much a treat.

Monday, September 17, 2007


Yes, we had back to back games this weekend. He is one tired little boy. Sunday we drove to Attica for his next game. This game was a loss as well 28-8. This is a close up of him adjusting his attire before the game.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Colonel Crawford

Today was my son's first fifth grade tackle football game. He is number 46 (not that you can see that in any of the pictures I took). He plays nose tackle on the defense (so I'm told). It looks like to me that he is in the center of the defensive line. They played against the Colonel Crawford Eagles. You may be asking where this is or at least I did when I heard we were playing them. This school is located in a little town called North Robinson. It is almost an hour and a half away from here. Yes, you heard me correct. This was an all day event for our family. The game started with warm up music on a high school field. Brandon had never played on such a large field before. (Not that I can remember) I took a picture of the other teams cheerleaders because I thought their mascot was adorable. We do not have 5th grade cheerleaders, nor do we have a mascot. For that matter I don't recall ever seeing the high school have a mascot on the field either. Anyway, the game started great here we go. I see my son make a tackle, I clap, and then I hear the announcer announce "number 46 for the Western Reserve Roughriders Brandon Morrow with the tackle". I had never heard my son's name announced over a PA system before calling the game. Like a ton of bricks I realize yet AGAIN my children are growing up. I don't know why it is bothering me so much lately, but it is. Will I move past this, of course I will. Sadly, we lost 28 to 6. The offense had a tough time with the snap today, and couldn't seem to stay on the field quite enough. Did my son have fun today? Yes he had a great time, and he didn't take the loss too hard. Overall a good day.

Fluffy Clouds

I had to put up a few of my sky pictures today. I love taking pictures of the different scenes of the sky. Today's sky made beautiful pictures, plus they make nice wallpaper on my computer.

Friday, September 14, 2007

My Princess

My princess isn't the ball gown and glass slipper type. She's a little more rough around the edges. She's my princess none the less. Growing up I would tell her all the princess stories (you know the ones). She was only 4 or 5 when she asked "why doesn't Rapunsel (?spelling) cut her own hair, and climb down it herself. why is she waiting for prince charming to save her?" I had never thought about it like that. I have taught her to have her own ideas, and stand up for what she believes in. Raising an independent thinker is more challenging than glittery. Madeline has a heart of gold through and through. She got in a physical fight last year over someone picking on other kids. She will fight for the underdog. She will work hard at anything she wants to do. This leads me to tell you that she just got a job working on one of the local farms on the weekends. I am excited for her. She's growing up so fast.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Better Late Than Never

This is my wheel that my dad made for me for my 30th birthday. It's special to me, primary because he made it for me. People have actually stopped by the house to ask me how much I wanted for this wheel. It has never been for sale, and money couldn't put a price tag on what it means to me. It just means that much to me.

Now all that being said I haven't put flowers in it for three years. Dad always wants to know why not. I tried once before, but I think it was too late in the year. Finally this past spring me and my niece, Sienna went to Mortensen's to get flowers. Going to Mortensen's Greenhouse as a kid was a great memory to me, and I wanted to share it Sienna was willing to share it with me. Going as an adult was a good memory too. Sienna loved all the pretty flowers, and I let her pick out the ones she thought would look the best. We brought them home, and Maddie, Sienna, and myself planted them. I have never been able to keep flowers alive, until this year. I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt the difference was these flowers were bought, arranged, and planted with love.

The wheel still gets compliments now more than ever, but now the flowers get compliments too. The wheel continues to be more and more special to me for more and more reasons. Well dad I finally got the flowers to grow. (Not that your checking the blog)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

One Day At A Time

By nature I am a planner, and a worrier. My life needs order and planning. That's great and all, but that also means I'm not a quick adapter with sudden change. Seeing this small flaw in myself leads me to yet another self improvement area. Step one, "accept the things I can not change". Simple huh? It's harder than one may think. I can not change the weather, how someone feels or acts towards me, or my spouse. Here's the tricky part....the children. I don't want to change them, or do I. They are growing up whether I like it or not. Yes sometimes I do want to change certain behaviors, or even some ideas. Raising children in this day and age isn't easy. I've been paying attention to my elders and those with more wisdom than myself. I pray for them with my heart, love them with all my heart and soul, and learn from others mistakes. I accept that I don't have all the answers, and I will make mistakes along the way. I will improve myself to set better examples for my children, and hopefully give them tools to use in their own lives. I accept that Maddie likes rough sports, and may never like pink. I accept that Brandon enjoys goofing off more than anything, and doesn't take a lot seriously. I don't want to change these things I want to cherish them. And most importantly I will enjoy one day at a time along the way.

Friday, September 7, 2007


Today's picture doesn't go with the post, but taking a picture of the gadgets I need to talk about I felt it would be like advertising so I didn't. There are a few gadgets in my life that make my life easier, and I thought I'd share them with you. This isn't the Oprah show so don't be looking for them in the mail. The first gadget is my griddle. This griddle is suppose to be used for making quick pancakes. It does that and more. I have cooked just about everything on this griddle. I have even made a stir fry on this thing. It's great. It's the one thing in my kitchen besides the fridge that I couldn't do with out.

Gadget number two: my digital camera. I need not tell everyone how great these are we all already know. I carry it everywhere. (yes, half the time I forget to use it) I am new to the digital camera world I admit.

Gadget number three: my wet n wild eyeliner (I know it's not a gadget but it's just that important to make it on the list). Yes I know I'm thirty something and still using this eyeliner, but I like it. For the life of me I can't remember who taught me to put on eyeliner, but whoever did taught me to light the end of the eyeliner before appling. This particular brand is one of the only ones that doesn't catch fire, and doesn't melt away. I've tried to use eyeliner like the magazines say and even wear it differently, but that way has never caught on for me.

Gadget number four: my two way mirror on a stand. Let's just say I appreciate that magnifing side with each passing year, and my daughter can't just walk away with it.

Gadget number five: my small double boiler. Yes it is the one you see on tv advertised with all the chocolate creations you can make.(Not that I got it there). It actually works close to what is is advertised. It is quick and easy, and makes christmas cookie time a hundred times easier.

Maybe blogging wasn't suppose to be about gadgets, but sometimes when you find something that works you should pass it along.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Chubby Girls Part 2

Back by popular demand is the chubby girl moments. Today's lesson will be what a chubby girl can do that skinny girls can't. Let me start off by telling you when this revelation hit me. Last summer a whirl wind of events came at me one after another. One day right after much turmoil I said to myself "Michelle, it's time to make some changes within yourself." Having the mind for self improvement lead me to shopping. While I was there they asked me to be in their Fall Fashion show, I calmly said to the petite little thing no thank you I get my clothes on the plus size section. Much to my surprise she said we have a plus size section because we have plus size customers, and we need plus size models for our fall line. Like a ton of bricks hit me in that moment I said you're right where do I sign up. Maddie signed up for the junior section, and we were booked. We received 40% off our clothing purchase the day of the show. I dreaded the fashion show, but I did it. That day made a difference in my life. I was proud again of myself, and that's what I needed at that time in my life. So onward with the list of what chubby girls can do that skinny girls can't:

  1. A chubby girl can model the latest fall fashions in the plus size section. Skinny girls don't eat because they fear the plus size section.

  2. A chubby girl can balance two crying children on her hips at the same time while opening a can of spaghetti o's and let them babies know every thing is going to be all right. Skinny girls don't have the hips to pull this off, and you know they will be crying with the children before the spaghetti o's are open.

  3. In my personal opinion a chubby girls joined together have more fun. Skinny girls are far to worried about what they look like to cut loose and enjoy life over pie.

  4. A chubby girl will try to push that furniture to a new location with her butt and legs. A skinny girl isn't even going to make that effort she will wait for her man to get home and help.

  5. And my favorite moment of this summer. A chubby girl who is determined to have fun will go down a water slide just to let herself know she can still do it. A skinny girl may lift her sunglasses while sun bathing to see what that splash was about.

The bottom line is have fun in this world no matter what you like. You only get one go around in this world.

The Garden

As most of you know I live on a farm of sorts. No sidewalks, tractors everywhere, barns, cows mooing down the road. Fields of corn, soybeans, etc. everywhere. So Brian was delighted to be able to put his garden in this year. We had tomatoes, green onions, peppers green and red, hot peppers, and the zucchini. We haven't had to buy much at the Farm market this year, and I have froze anything we couldn't eat right now. By the way did you know you could freeze green tomatoes. Anyhow, everything has its season. Each vegetable has a time it grows and then dies out for the season. The zucchinis should have already been done, however our turbo growing zucchini just keeps growing. The picture is what happens when you send your family to check on if there is anymore out there, and they say nope they are all gone. Now will someone please tell me how does a zucchini get this big when it was invisible for 3 days?