Tuesday, September 11, 2007

One Day At A Time

By nature I am a planner, and a worrier. My life needs order and planning. That's great and all, but that also means I'm not a quick adapter with sudden change. Seeing this small flaw in myself leads me to yet another self improvement area. Step one, "accept the things I can not change". Simple huh? It's harder than one may think. I can not change the weather, how someone feels or acts towards me, or my spouse. Here's the tricky part....the children. I don't want to change them, or do I. They are growing up whether I like it or not. Yes sometimes I do want to change certain behaviors, or even some ideas. Raising children in this day and age isn't easy. I've been paying attention to my elders and those with more wisdom than myself. I pray for them with my heart, love them with all my heart and soul, and learn from others mistakes. I accept that I don't have all the answers, and I will make mistakes along the way. I will improve myself to set better examples for my children, and hopefully give them tools to use in their own lives. I accept that Maddie likes rough sports, and may never like pink. I accept that Brandon enjoys goofing off more than anything, and doesn't take a lot seriously. I don't want to change these things I want to cherish them. And most importantly I will enjoy one day at a time along the way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My, my, what words of wisdom! I did not have that at your age. Life turns a little when you get older. I'm learning more and more from my daughters each day..and from my grandchildren. Love...mom