Monday, September 17, 2007


Yes, we had back to back games this weekend. He is one tired little boy. Sunday we drove to Attica for his next game. This game was a loss as well 28-8. This is a close up of him adjusting his attire before the game.


Anonymous said...

My little growing up. I sure hope Levi doesn't play football.
Do you know how hard it is for a Grami to sit back and watch other boys knock the little man down. Unfortunately Brandon does not appreciate my "strong urges to come rescue him" so I try to behave myself. They actually love being rough and right down nasty to each other. That's the real boy in my little man and I'm very proud of him although it was a real treat having him be my copilot on the way to the came...and we won't mention what happened when we ran into a detour. Levi has to pick another sport besides football, please! Love, Grami

Emily Jade said...

Note to Mommy - pictures like this taken in front of a porta-potty puts their children into therapy later in life...unless it is your goal to use this at his graduation party :O)

Emily Jade said...

can you call me Tuesday afternoon? I need to talk...

Unknown said...

Oh Em he didn't have a problem with the picture, he was more worried about the fact that mommy actually had to use the porta-potty. He said to me later that night, I'm sorry mom you had to use that porta-potty. He knows his mom well.

Wendy said...

That's too funny. The first thing I noticed was also the porta potty.