Sunday, September 23, 2007


Before you watch the video you may want to turn the volume down a little on your computer. Okay I'm trying the video for the first time let me know how I do. I don't know why but the whole time the music was playing and the crowd was getting hyped I began to have silent real tears fall. I've watched my son play sports a hundred times, but today my heart was full of pride so much so I began to weep. Sometimes in life there are moments that are so precious and so rare you have to embrass them, and be in the moment. I'm suprised that this was one of them, but none the less it was. It's one of those times that you feel leaves a mark on your heart. I couldn't be prouder of my daughter, my son, and my stepdaughter. I love you guys!!


Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of Brandon!

Wendy said...

Brandon is quite the little man! Brandon just seems to naturally excel at everything he wants to do (wants to do being the key phrase there). I was really surprised at how much Levi enjoyed the watching the game today.

Unknown said...

It's almost like Levi knew what was going on, and he was hoping his cousin did well.

Emily Jade said...

OK - just hearing Thunderstruck takes me back to b-ball games...

Oh and Chelle - ONE stinkin' little "wooo"? You HAD to be choked up! For Jr's 1st touch down I ran the whole length of the field WITH him (on the sidelines) screeching my lungs out. Then I promptly burst into tears. He was less than amused to see Mom anywhere NEAR the end zone. A proud Mom's gotta do what a proud Mom's gotta do...

Y'all need cow bells and such to MAKE SOME NOISE when your little men take the field!! Hello - remember anything from cheerleading?