Friday, September 14, 2007

My Princess

My princess isn't the ball gown and glass slipper type. She's a little more rough around the edges. She's my princess none the less. Growing up I would tell her all the princess stories (you know the ones). She was only 4 or 5 when she asked "why doesn't Rapunsel (?spelling) cut her own hair, and climb down it herself. why is she waiting for prince charming to save her?" I had never thought about it like that. I have taught her to have her own ideas, and stand up for what she believes in. Raising an independent thinker is more challenging than glittery. Madeline has a heart of gold through and through. She got in a physical fight last year over someone picking on other kids. She will fight for the underdog. She will work hard at anything she wants to do. This leads me to tell you that she just got a job working on one of the local farms on the weekends. I am excited for her. She's growing up so fast.


Anonymous said...

Well,"The apple doesn't fall to far from the tree" phrase has its reasons..I worked on a farm at Madeline's age and it's fun and will teach her so much..I'm so proud of her and proud of Michelle for not trying to make her a "princess"...(not that princesses aren't pretty...not just for every one). PS..why hasn't Pooh Bear updated? Love Grami

Wendy said...

Well, Maddie always has been a princess of her own kind. But a princess none the less (mother!)! PS..I have updated Mom.

Wendy said...

Is that a Bobby Jack shirt she has on? Could someone please explain the Bobby Jack phenomenon to me? Also, could you please explain to me why this little monkey is taking over my house?!

Danielle said...

Wasn't Maddie a little pink girly girl when she was small? I think I remember a little smiley girl in a frilly dress once?? ;)

And who is Bobby Jack? I've never even heard the name???

Unknown said...

Okay Pooh, yes that is a Bobby Jack shirt. I don't know about a craze, Maddie liked it because it had a hood like thing in the back.I do realize though Bobby Jack (the monkey)is a cute little thing.

No,Maddie has never been a girly girl. I have however shoved her in a pink dress a time or two when she was little, even then she never cared for it.

Emily Jade said...

tell the truth Chelle - you wrestled her into those dresses!!

ALL girls are princesses. We just kick butt in different ways...

People will recognize this when she is firing people from her Fortune 500 company :O)

Emily Jade said...

BTW - monkeys are cute, but Bobby Jack has been banned at Casa Malabanan. They only get them if it's a hand me down...

Wendy said...

Sierra even found some monkey earrings at Claire's Boutique. They're technically not Bobby Jack, but they look exactly him. The first time we bought a BJ shirt I asked Sierra who this BJ was. There was a little girl there (also shopping BJ), she was about 10 yrs old. She turned and looked at me like she was totally offened by my ignorance. She proceeded to inform me that he was this super cool monkey on clothes, but he was not a character from any show. Apparently, Bobby Jack is just a super cool fashion monkey?

Anonymous said...

why is this monkey getting so much attention?

Emily Jade said...

it's only clothes and stuff...the little monkey pisses me no monkey. I personally like the bunny...