Saturday, July 9, 2011

It's been some time

It's been quite awhile, but let me try to summarize the last few months. The kids finished up the school year. Maddie will be a junior this fall and Brandon will be a freshman. (where have the years gone) Maddie past her Ohio Graduation Test which we are so pleased. She is working on getting her license but is dragging her feet. She has no drive about getting her license. Brandon is growing like a weed lately, he's almost taller than Maddie. The summer time has drove me crazy. Maddie can't be in the sun at all, even with the highest amt. of sunscreen she blisters if she's out 30 min. So she tries to focus on the night time activities (which I think every teenager does anyway) Brandon has started lifting in the weight room, which makes me realize I don't have babies anymore.

My weight loss journey has been hard fought all year. I have been on added meds for my migraines and they have weight gaining side effects so I'm fighting an uphill battle. I'm breaking even but no gaining any headway. The other lovely thing with these meds is a sun issue. When I go out in the sun sunblock or not I burn in patches. It's horrible so I really monitor my sun exposure.

It's been another whirlwin year so far, but I think I'm gaining a little more wisdom with life this year than in the past. I'm a little calmer, a little less quick to respond to stress.