Thursday, September 27, 2007

Raising a Boy

Today was a rough day between me and my son (probably the reason I'm having a hard time sleeping tonight). Tonight was football practice. It was raining in sheets at points and a steady rain at other points not to mention the rolling thunder that was booming outside. He got ready for practice and constantly watched the phone waiting to hear from his coach if practice was canceled. The coach didn't call so my husband and myself made a joint decision to cancel practice ourselves. Now let me give you some background information. Our children go to practice always they don't miss unless they have a doctor's excuse, they have practiced and played games in the rain a lot of times. However, I draw the line at thunder and/or lightning. My son is only ten he doesn't have to put his own health on the line for the good of practice. He knew why we made our decision, and heard the entire conversation to the coach on the phone. He was beyond disappointed. He cried, yelled, whined, stomped, etc. for most of the night. He didn't want to hear reason, didn't care about getting grounded, just plan didn't care. I felt like I was dealing with a two year old, but bigger. I finally gave up and put him to bed early. I understood his points, but bottom line I stood by my decision.

Brandon has a heart of gold. He is caring, loving, super smart, and enjoys life. He has an intense personality. Children don't come with manuals on how to raise them, and each child has their own personality. What works for one rarely works for another. The next challenge is boys are so different from girls. They think differently. Sometimes the best you can do is love them, protect them, and cherish them. He may not ever agree with my decisions, but I hope one day he can understand why I made the ones I did.


Anonymous said...

Being a parent is not always easy...
You do what your heart tells you is best for your child...and pray that your child will understand. And even if they don't, you still know you did what was right.

Emily Jade said...

again be conforted by my little bit of wisdom...

Sons will always hold every woman that they ever meet to your standards - and will always be looking for their mother in a spouse.
Mothers give their daughters' therapist something to talk about...