Monday, October 22, 2007

Some lessons can only be learnt through experience

Brandon learnt a valuable lesson yesterday... never tell the coach that he 'sucks'. Bub has not agreed with his coach much of the season. Last week at practice he had enough, and thought that he was big enough to voice this opinion to the coach. Big mistake. I have taught my children to stand up for what they believe in, NOT to defy authority. I explained to Brandon the huge error in his way. He let me know he knew I wouldn't approve. So the coach doesn't say anything to me, but I knew what was coming. Brandon was benched for the majority of the game. Brandon of course wasn't happy, but played his best anyway. He made his quarterback sacks had his name over the loud speaker, and to him yesterday that was enough. He said maybe I shouldn't have told the coach he 'sucked', but he still would have played the line how he wanted weather I said that or not. They won, and he can't wait till the season is over.


Wendy said...

Again, another reason why this boy is so special to me. Way to Go Bub! I love it!!! I'm sorry that he got benched for most of the game but I love the fact that he told the coach exactly how he felt. Sometimes people just need to be told that they suck. LOL I love that boy!

Anonymous said...

There is a proper way to tell someone you don't agree with them. Ways to get respect from your elders. I love that boy to, but unfortunately do not agree with his choice of words. The only place it got him was the bench.
Does Brandon know Grami knows?

Wendy said...

I know, you're right Mother. It wasn't the 'proper' or 'right' thing to do. But you know he's probably been thinking that the entire season and holding back from saying it until he just couldn't take it anymore. Some things are just worth it. Sometimes you have to speak your mind.

Emily Jade said...

my take on this - if it matters...

Respect for elders should be observed, but it is often the reason that abuse (of any kind) isn't reported. We teach our children to be complacent in their dealings with adults - and they are often exploited because of this. Sometimes people are mean to kids - bottom line. If Brandon had the presence of mind to tell his coach what he thought - good for him. Kids should be able to stand up for themselves if they feel like they are being mentally abused (often happens in youth sports). As a youth sports coach, he is ethically unable to bench a kid for voicing his opinion. Is this asshole certified? If so, he should have called for a meeting with all parties to resolve this issue...instead of continuing this (in my opinion) abuse - as per NYSCA and ASCEP this is an unacceptable form of punishment.

Unknown said...

I agree about the abuse thing, however this wasn't close to the case. Brandon knows more than he should about sports, and he thinks everyone should know the same. He was upset at the coach due to the way the coach was lining up the defensive line. Brandon told the coach his idea how the line should be, and the coach told him the way it was going to be....thus Bub's comment.