Friday, October 19, 2007

Pumpkin patch with recommendations

Okay first let me tell you the back story to the pumpkin patch. While we were visiting Uncle Laymon and the family Danielle was telling me about going to Burnham's. It had been along time since I even heard that name. Growing up we would always go to Burnham's for apples, peaches, pumpkins, and don't forget fundraisers that they were always generous enough to donate to. So a couple of weeks have went by and we still didn't have our pumpkins yet, and Burnham's was still on my mind, so off we went. The first thing Brandon spotted was the wagons, he wanted to know what they were for. Sadly I had no idea. Brian said they were to carry your pumpkins back from the
pumpkin patch. I always remembered getting my pumpkins from the boxes out front. I didn't even think about there being a pumpkin patch. I thought pumpkin patch was just something cute on the famous Charlie Brown Halloween special. So off we went. It was even more spectacular than Danielle had said. I felt like I was a kid again looking for that perfect pumpkin. The kids thought it was amazing too. That pumpkin patch was magical. I know you think I'm kidding, but I'm not. All teenage attitude was gone, all wining was gone, all talk about Brian's bad driving was gone, all insults about me nagging was gone... all that was left away from the pumpkin patch. Upon entering that pumpkin patch was my family....the best of my family. It was
magical for me. Each of us even got our picture taken with our own pumpkins that we picked out. (of course I only put up the kids and their pumpkins pixs though) I can not say "thank you" enough for Danielle sharing her story with me. The pumpkin patch was exactly what I needed.

PS. I do apologize for posting similar pumpkin pictures on my post the same day Danielle has.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures..something magical about the pumpkin patch..almost like picking out Christmas trees..every thing stops...odd how God shows us what's really important? Families being together, removing the cobwebs the enemy puts there! Great post (but yet you are competing with Levi walking!)

Unknown said...

LOL!! I'm not competing. Levi walking wins hands down! He's known how to do it for awhile, he just wanted to do it on his own time and let his mommy know that he was special, and wasn't going to follow the same path as his sisters.

Wendy said...

I love Burnhams. We take the kids almost every year. I want to take the kids this weekend. We'll see. So glad you and the family had a nice time.

Emily Jade said...

I miss this stuff...I have to drive for an eon to get this...