Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Photographs with Dad

Before you ask...yes Mom we will be doing some pictures like this with you the next time we all get together. It's very hard to get us all together, and it's even harder to get the kids to corporate with picture time.


Anonymous said...

Yes, honey I realize how hard it is to get a family picture....I've tried for years. They're very nice pictures and I'm glad you have them and that you shared. Love, Mom

Wendy said...

OK~ I feel the need to defend myself! I'm not actually trying to smoosh Sienna's head in the third picture! I wasn't even supposed to be in the picture but Sienna refused to cooperate. I was just trying to get her to look at the camera and she started freaking out and we ended up looking like I was taking great pleasure in smooshing her. That's not the case I assure you.

Emily Jade said...

baby smoosher!!