Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Santa Clause

The kids and I was watching the movie Santa Clause tonight with Tim Allen. The movie goes off and the kids are talking, the question arises if one of our family members was Santa who would it be? Maddie named off some names, Brandon gave his reasons why they couldn't be Santa. And then Bub turns to Maddie and says Santa would be Aunt Poohie. Maddie says how come? With all the sincerity in the world Brandon says....because she has the heart of Santa Clause. How does one have the heart of Santa? and why would he pick his Aunt over his own mom? I know Pooh is currently working on her 'Mother of the Year' speech, but she may be wanting to hold off on that till she flies around the world to grant all the children their wishes this year.


Anonymous said...

Priceless....just priceless! "From the eye of a child"..I have alot to learn considering I killed the Easter Bunny!

Wendy said...

Bub is right. From our family I would be Santa only because I'm the only one crazy enough to load up the sleigh and convince myself that I can pull off all these stops in one night!

Emily Jade said...

ummmm...I really don't know what to say about this one :O)