Thursday, November 29, 2007

I'm Ready To Talk About It

This is a photo of me on my wedding day September 21, 1996 edited to a black/white version. I had one vibrant loving stepdaughter, one beautiful creative redhead daughter, and I had just found out I was expecting another child. I was getting married with the smallest of ceremonies in the home I grew up in. My life was full, and I was happy. We decided that this was going to be our last child. For some reason though I always thought I'd have another one. Years quickly started flying by, and I knew I was done having children. The kids were growing up, and I really didn't want to start over with the diapers, etc. So lately as you all know I've been slowing working on some self improvement that included having some check up's etc. After seeing the gyno and running into some problems so to say I am having a procedure done to remove my uterus lining. This means my childbearing days are over. It also means all the problems that I'm experiencing will be over, that's a huge plus. However, I have been struggling with the finality of childbearing being done. I'm okay with it now after much praying and soul searching. I realize for me that chapter in my life is done. My kids that I've been blessed with are growing up and need me in different ways. Maddie will be a freshman in less than two years. Brandon will be in junior high in less than two years. Heather will be a new mom in less than one year. I am expecting a new grandchild soon, and who knows what I can teach this one. I am lucky to be an active part in my nieces and nephew's lives. It's a new chapter for me, not a sorrowful time. I was young when I started having kids, and I'm still one of the young moms. (I wouldn't recommend this path, but it was the path I traveled) And for that matter I will be the youngest grandmother of all my friends as well. I would like to thank the friends and family in my life that help me see everything to be thankful for in my life.


Emily Jade said...

I really like this picture :O) Wan't thrilled on the day, but I do like this picture...

Danielle said...

That is a funny picture. When is your surgery?

Grandma? Not possible!! Are you going to call yourself Grandma Shell?

Anonymous said...

You are really grown up...Life is full of seasons and you are in a new one! It's so much fun being a grandmother! You spoil them rotten and send them home with all the diaper bags and car seats!