Friday, November 16, 2007

Granny Shell

Yes yes you heard right a new phase of my adventure is upon me. Heather & Casey are expecting their first child. I did check with her first before posting the news. Emotions are all over the map right now, but you know what she is excited more than scared, and that is a good thing. I am truly happy for her. She will be a great mom. Yes she is young, so was I. I spent much of my first pregnancy trying to keep it quiet. Everyone was disappointed about me being pregnant and not finishing school, not being married, not having my life together. All of that may have been very true. Was my life harder than it should have been? Of course it was. But the sad thing was, the thing I miss the most.... was being excited about bringing a life into this world. I should have been able to scream it off the roof tops tell everyone I know. Unfortunately that's not how it was. I dreaded telling anyone I was pregnant, for the reasons already stated. I don't want Heather to go through that. She knows the rough side, and I want to be able to be happy with her. And for that matter I will be happy for her, and proud of her. Congratulations sweetie, this baby will change your life forever, and it isn't all bad!! The one thing about having babies when your young is.... your young. Speaking of young I am still young, most would say too young to be a grandmother. Heather is my stepdaughter, and she has been in my life since she was 4 years old. She has always played an active role with her sister and brother. She shares the same blood as them. I taught her how to drive. I was there when her hair was done for prom where she truly resembled a princess, I watched her go through braces, laugh, love, cry, pain. I have always loved her as my own, and the same will go for this baby. If the baby calls me Shell that's just fine. If the baby calls me Granny Shell who lets me paint, play playdoh, get veggies from the garden, play until I get dirty Granny Shell I'm okay with that too. Congratulations Heather & Casey, and again I say I'm always proud of you, and I love you!!


Anonymous said...

You are more then welcome to go by whatever name you like, if you want to be granny Shell, Mimi, Grandma, which ever one you choose is absolutely amazing. We love you guys very very much and cannot wait to see everyone on Thanksgiving to show off our first baby pictures and spend some quality time with you all. Love you all, Heather and Casey!

Wendy said...

Congrats Heather & Casey!! I'm so excited that someone other than me is expecting a baby!! Yeah!!! (It's NOT me this time, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, YEAH) This is going to be such an amazing time for you. Just try to enjoy it! I can't wait to see you guys at Thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

You make me laugh very hard!!! I am so excited, once I get passed nasty morning sickness and being completely exhausted constantly it'll be wonderful-LOL! Cannot wait to see everyone!

Emily Jade said...

Due date?!?!? More information?!?

uh...I'd stick with Mimi if I were you.

Congratulations to all involved. Heather will make a great Mommy!

Unknown said...

We are officially due June 12th, which is slightly ironic seeing as my birthday is June 13th and Casey's is the 14th and next year Father's Day is on the 15th. That's like four holiday's in a row...we're very excited!

Emily Jade said...

Like the kid will pop out when it's supposed're cute Heather :O)

If you're up to it, I've done this a few times myself. Get my phone number from Chelle and give me a call anytime. Most questions I can answer...

Somebody please get this woman a "Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy"!! We ALL needed one to keep us sane!!