Monday, November 5, 2007

The Kids

Brandon has been a tad bit hyper lately (the Halloween candy). Me and him started off with a rocky weekend, but with some much needed rest and relaxation for both of us we were able to get it together. He is getting at that age where he wants to watch more grow up shows (the PG 13 stuff), and I will not let him. He is so frustrated with me about this. I'm getting the well all the other kids are watching it. I've tried calmly to tell him that the other shows just have way too much stuff that I don't approve of for him. I had to also explain to him that as he gets older he would understand the shows more, and we could actually discuss them. Right now he's just not enough. Say what you want I think there is a huge difference between 10 and 13. It's a maturity, puberty kind of thing.
Now Madeline spent the weekend trying to finish the project she said would only take her 5 minutes to do, and rearranging her room. She took down and boxed up most of her porcelain dolls (that was sad for me). She moved her tv to the spare bedroom. She said she doesn't watch it anyway, which she doesn't. (She's almost 13, and I let her watch PG 13 shows and she doesn't want to, doesn't have time, doesn't have interest.) She said she wanted a more grown-up room, so that's what she did.
She has been thinking of her birthday party a lot lately, and here is what she wants. She wants a few friends over play some video games, air hockey, watch movies, and order a couple pizzas. Now this was not the kind of 13 birthday party I had in mind. Now keep in mind the few friends is all boys (she says guys I say boys). She wanted them to spend the night I said flat out no it's not even up for discussion. What is your take on the birthday party thing? Give me some ideas, some opinions, some advice on how to make it a good party, and give her what she wants?


Danielle said...

Geeze. Seems to me you made the right decision on the boys spending the night thing. Probably the good indicator that it's a solid no would be that she calls them "guys" and not boys(which they are). In India, you are a boy until you marry (even if you are 42 :)

Ideas? Totally stumped...I have to work on up to teenagish stuff. So I guess a good idea would be whatever she wants (minus the boys!)

Ya, good luck with that!

Emily Jade said...

Are you up for a boy/girl party? I'm sure that there is pressure to conform since there are many of the like going on...
Here's the deal - host a boy girl party. Deal is...for each guy in attendance, there must be 2 girls also invited. Lay down ground rules...time of arrival, time of departure (a few girls can stay the night). Where they can and CANNOT go - that's an important one.
Just call me...we'll develop a strategy to make everybody happy :O)