Saturday, November 3, 2007

Chubby Girls

Today we will be going over a few chubby girl points. Topic 1 Chubby girls trying to get a good photograph:

1. If you have a double chin stay away from the side view pictures.

2. Chubby girls should not constantly ask for a redo. One redo is enough.

3. Chubby girls don't be afraid to put a child in front of you if you are not wearing a complimentary outfit.

4. Love yourself, photos are meant to be cherished not hated and picked apart by yourself.

Topic 2 Chubby girls and dieting.....

1. If you have to ask the children to hide the Halloween candy from you, you are doing a great job on your diet. If you don't bribe them to get you a piece this diet is working for you.

2. Chubby girls no matter how much weight you loose you know you are going to want new jeans, so go ahead and let go of your skinny girl jeans from high school.

3. Chubby girls should stop going to the bakery for your family if you are dieting.....come on stop playing the marter role.

4. Chubby girls will only help their chubby friends diet if it's a matter of life and death not for body image. (You know I'm telling the truth)

Final topic. Topic 3 Chubby girls and exercise.

1. Chubby girls should not start off trying to run with your non chubby husband. This will not work for anyone involved.

2. No matter how bad your floors are, vacuuming is not considered exercise. (according to skinny people)

3. No matter how well a chubby girl is doing with her daily exercise plan DO NOT I repeat DO NOT exercise in front of your husband and children. This will be the one time they get along, and it will only be at your expense.

4. Don't be afraid to exercise with a friend even if they are skinny. This is for a precautionary measure. (In case you pass out from over doing it, they can at least make sure you are not still attached to the exercise equipment.)


Emily Jade said...

funny Chelle - I have the double chin from the front too - damnit!

I do not - however - have the common sense to not exercise in front of people. I have to teach the routines that I choro - so there is a whole gym watching me jiggle!! yikes...

sounds like you're doing great on your diet :O) Keep at it girl!!

~your partner in chubby

Unknown said...

I wouldn't say great, the first word that comes to mind is SLOW. But thanks for the support though. Exercising in front of people isn't all that bad, expect for exercising in front of my family. I would rather exercise in front of strangers than the ones I care about the most.

Wendy said...

I disagree about the vacuuming (of course, I am not a skinny person tho). Vacuuming burns more calories than sitting on the couch (or in front of the computer). For me it's not so much about the exercise but about the activities I can do that will burn calories. This is also a good to be thankful for housework rather than resent it. So when I'm on my 8th load of laundry, huffing the basket up the steps AGAIN, at least I'm burning something ~ calves, thighs, calories~ whatever.

Anonymous said...

Okay Pooh I give you huffy and puffying up the stairs with the laundry, but you really are trying to say vacuuming is exercise. Pooh do you sweat when you vacuum, are you out of breath, are you toning?

Wendy said...

Yes, yes, and yes. If I do every room consecutively then yes I am sweating and slightly out of breath. Yes I do think I am toning. All the stretching of the body to extend and retract the vacuum has to run close comparison to a pilate session. And lets not forget about the moving of the furniture~ that could be like some free weights. Think about it.

Emily Jade said...

Agree with Pooh on the vaccuuming. Stairs anyone?