Monday, November 12, 2007

What makes a good coat to a kid?

This is NOT Brandon's coat this winter season. He loves loves this coat, because grandfather Payne bought it for him. As you can see though the coat is too small. The coat has been wore and wore. It was time for the coat to retire, but Brandon didn't want to budge. Dad traded Bub a nice winter coat that Bub liked for this one. He was very leery about giving up his coat, but in the end agreed. I couldn't be happier.
As a mother a good coat for my children is warmth, reasonable price, and a durable zipper. My children, however, have an entirely different answer to that question. Madeline's perfect coat this season came by surprise, and couldn't be better. Her coat for the 2007-2008 winter season is shown in the picture. This coat happen to be the coat that Pooh sent with Sierra on the 4 wheel ride weekend. Sierra didn't like it. Madeline fell in love with it. Pooh parted with the coat that was once our Aunt Brenda's and gave it to Madeline. Madeline feels like a million bucks in this coat. She liked everything about it, and the fact that it had so much sentimental value and Aunt Poohie gave it to her made her feel so special. This is the first coat that she's took exceptional good care of.

So to answer that question in the title I guess it depends on the kid. The best thing as parents we can do with the coat situation is to compromise. I would like to thank all parties involved in the coat situations this winter season. My children are quite happy, and warm. Thank you.


Emily Jade said...

hmmmm...since Allyson needed a new coat - I had to purchase that one. God bless every other coat that was here and got handed down for this season!! Money is slippery this year...

Anonymous said...

I love the coats. The fact that Brandon traded the little one for a warm one from his Papa and Madeline...for liking a coat and the bonus was that Aunt Brenda has something to do with it! P.S. good to see Emily back!