Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What Brandon Has Been Up To

You all may be wondering what Bub has been up to lately. He has been really focusing on maintaining his 4.0 average, and has been trying basketball for the first time. He has really enjoyed Brian being home this last week and a half. He is a lot more settled down lately. He even tried watermelon, and a orange this week. We can officially add those two foods on his picky food list now. Yeah!! He has been a big help and seems to be changing into a somewhat more mature ten year old.


Anonymous said...

I just love this boy! He is definitely an individual. I admire his self confidence and focus. I sure hope he feels better after coming home sick today. I can't remember his ever doing that!

Emily Jade said...

4.0? You are a lucky Mommy :O)

Great job Brandon for trying new things - we can't grow unless we do!