Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Everything is still a bit foggy

This is another picture from Christmas. I have noticed a theme lately of "me" posts. I'm sorry about that, but I'm going on anyhow.

Perhaps it's the medication, or just me but I've noticed some moments from the surgery that makes me say..."um". And of course I thought I'd share them with you.
  1. Hospital appropriate underwear= clean non damaged underwear. Mom disagrees she led me down the path to purchase new ones. I will say I'm glad she did, don't know why but I felt better about having new ones after the surgery.
  2. My attitude=happy. Not the case the second I walked into the hospital. Why you may ask? I have no idea. I carried a chip on my shoulder the first blood draw. When I didn't have a chip on my shoulder I was crying. Why....I don't know. Every experience my sister has with the hospital she is laughing and gitty. Obviously just one more difference between us.
  3. The phrase I Love You= something I say maybe once a day to my loved ones. Surgery day and today it seems to be the phrase I use all day. I think I'm begining to scare my family just a little.
  4. Shower Time = 30 minutes. Not the case today. It took me an hour and a half just to shower and another hour and a half to get dressed and change bandages. Total was 3 hours!!! Not to mention that but I even had to call Brian in for help. I didn't even need his help after childbirth, but one minor surgery that the doctor said I should be back to myself in just a couple days I need shower assistance. Why did I need his help? I had so so so much iodine all over my body in places they didn't even do surgery I needed some help. It's still not all off!!
  5. Nap Time= My favorite. Again now that I should be resting I'm finding it difficult. I'm not sleeping more than 2 hours at a time, and I'm finding it difficult to just sit on the couch now. Normally I would love an excuse to sit on the couch.

I know I've rambled on a bit today, but that's okay in my book. Have a good day everyone.


Emily Jade said...

you are so photogenic...great picture!!

Expound on the panties...I wait with bated breath...

Unknown said...

thxs Em...that's really sweet of you to say.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see the fog lifting!