Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Her First Game Back

Last night was Maddie's first night back in the swing of the game. She played all 4 quarters, and even scored 2. They finished out their season undefeated, and have conference tournaments this weekend and next week. She did really really well last night. She had less breathing problems last night than she has had all season. She had one real heavy bout in the 4th quarter, but was able to get the breathing under control. From what Maddie says she was doing fine, but got elbowed in the back pretty hard and it kinda knocked the wind out of her. Luckily there was a foul called at the same time by another girl and Maddie used that time to really catch her breath. It seems that she is having a lot easier time managing her breathing now than when she was on all that medicine for asthma. One day at a time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Madeline Rae Morrow! How much she has grown, not only physically but also emotionally. She is maturing so much!