Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Little Miss Maddie Rae

Madeline went back to practice tonight for the first time since I pulled her out right before Christmas. She's been practicing ball handling, and her shots, but hasn't "participated" in practice. Since her vocal cord diagnosis on Monday I was still worried a little about her participating before she has even had one appt. teaching her breathing exercises to help correct this problem. She voiced her wanting to get back in the game before Conference tournament at the end of the month. They gave Maddie ONE emergency kind of breathing technique to use in a pinch if she needed it before her "official" appt. with the specialist. She used it a few times during practice, but said that this was by far the best practice she had ever had. I was still confused why she could do so well without knowing none of the breathing exercises yet. She said to me, "mom I knew I wasn't going to die from lack of air." She also said that she didn't feel like she was in a fog anymore. This is all still a mystery to me, and I still have so many questions to ask the doctor, but I will say my daughter is breathing and not turning colors anymore. And for that I am thankful.


Anonymous said...

Hooray for Maddie! What was the emergency technique she used, if you don't mind my asking? Other than practicing abdominal breathing, which you would ideally do throughout the activity, my son has one "recovery" technique that he uses that seems quite good. He is to "sniff" in through his nose, but not really concentrate on the inhalation, then make a "sssss" sound while slowly exhaling. It does seem to work most of the time.

I think you are right that just knowing that she is still getting oxygen even when she's having an attack is a huge relief for these kids. And the VCD does have an element of "stress" to it, so if you think you're going to die from lack of oxygen, that just makes it worse!

Unknown said...

It is not a proper technique and they let her know that, but they said for now it would do till she got her appt. It is basically using her abdominal muscules to pull the air up. She said that she got air instantly. But again not a proper technique.

Anonymous said...

If it works, it's a proper technique :) She will hopefully learn techniques that work even better for her, but whatever works is great! You and she must both be so relieved!

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of Maddie! If you want to do something bad enough,you'll find a way! She's one tough cookie!
Lots of love, Mom

Emily Jade said...