Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Dial up Valley

Pooh and her family spent the weekend moving into their new house. She is very excited. The move however has caused a concern for her...the internet. She can not get service at her new place, because she's just out of reach of everyone who provides service. The only thing they are willing to give her is dial up service. For those of you who still have dial up God Bless you for the rest of us that have faster connection it would be hard to go back to dial up. At this time Pooh is still trying to work on someone to extend their service area to her new place until she accomplishes this I'll try to keep everyone posted. (If anyone can accomplish this it will be Pooh)


Emily Jade said...

poor Poohy...

Anonymous said...

Wendy is experiencing some "internet withdrawal"....right now though she has more than enough to keep her busy! I miss her website blogging.