Monday, January 14, 2008

It's Not Asthma

Today was Madeline's big exercise test at Rainbow's Baby & Children's Hospital. It is officially confirmed by the doctor calling me at home that she does not have asthma!!!! Yeah!! What she does have though is a vocal cord dysfunction that is a somewhat rare disorder that effects the way the vocal cords open and close during breathing especially when there is deeper breathing such as exercise, singing, etc. Madeline's vocal cords close during exercise instead of opening the way they are suppose to. She still has little air going through when she has one of these attacks and doesn't drop below a 90% lung capacity. Which is excellent. The treatment for this is to retrain her to breathe. Sounds simple enough, however there are only a few doctors that treat this in the US, we are fortunate to have one of those doctors in Cleveland. So when I start complaining about traveling to Cleveland again remind me it could be LA. That means no more pills, no more steroids, no more inhalers....just learning to breathe. It sounds so easy we all do it everyday, but imagine being able to take in deep breaths and enjoy fresh air the way our body is meant to. Imagine your child struggling to do this for 13 years. You travel where they can help her. You jump the insurance hoops to help her. You follow her each and every step of the journey, because you love her. Every mother says they would die for their child (Pooh's post states this as well), but what a mother is willing to go through for her child is a remarkable love that is undeniable. We don't look for praise, we don't look for glory, we do it so our child can be the best God has intended them to be, we do it because we love them more than ourselves.


Anonymous said...


My 14yo son also has VCD. We figured it out about 6 months ago, and I documented our experiences in this blog. I haven't posted there much, but since he starts PE next week (new semester), I suspect we'll have some updates. More and more speech therapists are learning to treat this (by teaching the breathing exercises, etc.) It is not as rare as "they" originally thought. So far we are finding it much easier to manage than "asthma" which we also though he had. Good luck to you and your daughter!

Emily Jade said...

Wow!! Look! Isn't it great to have others to share this with!! Grab the support, and hold onto it!

Unknown said...

Thank you for taking the time to share your support I truly appreciate it I have so much to share with you and ask you about. I'll leave it under your comment section. Thanks again.