Saturday, January 12, 2008

I Can't Help My Self

I've started this particular post several times and over the course of the last few days keep deleting it, but the time has come for me just to face Pooh's wrath and post it. I have talked to most of you over the duration of the last week, and everyone is asking what Pooh's up to. Normally it is a family taboo to air business that is not your own, but I'm walking out on a wire here and venturing carefully. Pooh Bear is busy being a great mom right now, and taking care of her children that has been sick. She stays equipped with lysol and the doctor on speed dial these days.


Wendy said...

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. I put a new one up. Just for you.

Anonymous said...

Aunt Shell I don't think my mommy likes that picher of her.

Emily Jade said...

lmao!! Go Sierra!!

We've all been there...some just a little more often than most. Lysol is a Mom's best friend...

How can you face the Wrath of Pooh (it feels SO wrong to type that) when you posted duch a lovely post?