Thursday, December 13, 2007

You're kidding me right?

I have been out and about this advertising season. I have come across some things that have me puzzled and confused. Let me start off by giving everyone a list of unspoken etiquette that I was under the assumption we all knew, obviously not everyone follows this list:

  1. If a car is waiting for a parking spot do not try to floor your vechile to beat them to it.

  2. If the person behind you in line has one item and you have a cart full let the person go in front of you.

  3. The Santa at the mall is just a mall employee not the real deal. He doesn't get a free pass to say and do as he wants.

  4. If you carry jumper cables and someone asks for a jump at the school and is wearing a varsity them!! Do not say 'sorry those jumper cables in plain site don't work'.

  5. If you go to a store during this season go prepared to wait in line. Do not throw a fit in line and set your milk down in the line for someone else to deal with. (Milk is over $3 a gallon, and you know you've carried it through the store, and set it down in line. And you know that cashier isn't taking it back till the end of her shift. And you know they are just going to put it back in the cooler, so someone like me can pick it up and have it go bad after the first bowl of cearl.)

This season is suppose to be about LOVE no matter what holiday you are celebrating, so why I am not seeing love? Here is a list of some things that I have seen.

  1. Screaming in line, and putting their milk down on the floor.

  2. Children screaming (worse then usual)

  3. Adults fighting; in the parking lot, stores, restaurants, schools, gas stations.

  4. No compassion for others.

  5. Road rage even though the roads have been snowy, slushy, rainy, and icy.

Take a little time to show someone LOVE. We all could use it.


Emily Jade said...

ooooo...good post. This is the main reason why I don't go out shopping much this time of year. I try to blitz it because I can't STAND the BS that you see in the stores. It is cheaper for me to pay full price than save 25% and pay bail money...too many people that need slapped out there!!

The story about the jumper cables really gets to me... what are we teaching our children?!?

LOVE the pic...tres Hollywood dahling!!

Emily Jade said...

btw - love the new layout too!!

Wendy said...

Very valid points, Shell! So true, so true. Did you have a rough day?

Unknown said...

What has happened to people, they have no compassion, or respect anymore. You are exactly right, everyone just needs to love each other a little bit more.