Thursday, December 6, 2007

Happy 13th Birthday!!!!

Happy 13th Birthday Madeline Rae!! She is excited about her birthday she feels as most of us do that her birthday should be a national holiday and all about her. It doesn't seem like she can be 13 already. I still remember the day I brought her home from the hospital. I was so scared to be away from the hospital, what if I did something wrong, what if she got sick, what if I wasn't doing something right, you know all the questions first mothers have. I remember coming home getting her out of her car seat unbundled her and Brian having to leave straight for work. There we were (Maddie and myself) alone for the first time. There was the soft glow of Christmas Lights coming from the tree, and my precious baby girl in my arms. In that very moment I knew that it was going to be okay. I have been so very very blessed to have this treasure from heaven in my life. She is rough around the edges tomboy all the way but still yet a precious treasure that God has given me. Then again I'm still a little rough around the edges as well. Parenting doesn't come with a manual, yes there are some books out there to help parents, but there is no one manual to say how to raise one particular child. Prayer goes a long long way in raising children, and helping us as parents. Thank you God for blessing me with Madeline Rae. Happy Birthday sweetheart!!


Wendy said...

Happy Birthday Sweetheart! I love you so much! I'm very proud of you, everyday!

Emily Jade said...

Happy Birthday Mads!! May God shine his light upon you! 13 years already?!? Stop it already!