Monday, December 10, 2007

The Joy of getting a Tree

This year we went to the Reindeer farm about 5 minutes from the house. This place is awesome!! I can not say enough great things about it. This year they had the teepee set up, I loved it. There are real reindeer for the children to see that don't quite look like the ones on the cartoons, but still bring magic to the little ones. There is a tractor that can drive you down to the tree farm section, we of course decided to take in all natures cold beauty and walk. For every tree that is cut down a new one is planted in it's place the following spring, so there is trees of all shapes, sizes, and kinds all over. The children kept accusing me of trying to pick out Charlie Brown's Christmas tree.

which I didn't do. There are even little log cabin houses for the children to play in. I had Maddie stand next to one to give you a size comparison. There is even a little gift shop of different little things one could purchase ranging from a nickel to much more expensive things. The nice thing about the gift shop is the uniqueness of it. There are things in there I've never seen before to things that I remember from when I was a child. A cool little place. After you get your tree you are given free hot chocolate to help warm you up, and they wrap the tree. We have never had a tree wrapped, so I was very curious how this worked. I don't know how to describe it but say it was wrapped with a thin plastic material that kinda reminds me of what a six pack would come in, kinda sorta. This made the whole tree bringing in the house thing and putting it in a stand soooooooo much easier. It was done in 15 minutes tops. Now as far as the decorations goes this usually takes about a week for our family to finish. It is a good time that the whole family enjoys even if I have to keep reminding them how much they do enjoy it, especially the ten year old.

1 comment:

Emily Jade said...

This sounds SO cool!! I would love to do this with only a couple of my kids...I'm SO not fair!!

Come on out and catch a show!! I can give you our comp dates if you want. We're booked through April :O)