Monday, December 29, 2008

A Year In Review

Well let me try to recap some of the highlights for you. Madeline and Brandon keep growing in every way possible. They are really getting older on me fast. My nieces are growing up just as fast. Little Sienna starts kindergarten next year can you believe it! My nephew is communicating with me now, and knows Aunt Shell is cool. (Heh heh heh) My little grandson Gabe is starting to get a little more interactive with sitting up on his own, and playing with his toys. (He's almost seven months you know) Christy and Matt brought a new baby boy Owen Xavier into the world in November. I couldn't be happier for them. My sister started her own business this year, and found a whole new side of herself. My mom is making more and more sense to me with each passing year. I take her advice more like a golden nugget of knowledge now. As for me.....well I learned more about riding a storm out. There's a story in the Bible that my sister refers to often about Peter. The story is about when Jesus walked on the water. I'm sure you all know it. I've learnt to trust Him, keep my eyes on Him, and not beg to go back in the boat (the safety zone). Riding a storm out isn't about just standing there taking a beating while life throws everything it can at you. Riding a storm out is more about trusting God to be there beside you, and learn what the lesson is. It's about finding a morsel of happiness, hanging on to hope, and using your faith to keep believing. It's about thanking God for each and every thing in the storm. I've been blessed with a family that I love more each and everyday. That is pretty much my year in review. The bottom two pictures of my mom, my sister, and me....the first one is us last Thanksgiving, and the last one is us on Christmas. It is one of those rare photos that have us from head to toe. (That's right the skinny girls voted for that, LOL. )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so amazed when I look at my family! These people love matter what. It doesn't matter what I look like, what I have or don't have. It is such a miracle to be able to watch each one of you grow before my eyes. God forgive me for my complaints of life..I am so privileged to have my precious family.