Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas gatherings

Christmas was wonderful as always! My family celebrated early Christmas morning, followed by the usual putting things together. We then had Brian's brother, niece, and grandchildren over, and Heather, Casey, a little adorable Gabe over. It was a marvelous time. Then we went over to Pooh's where we got to be with her family and mom. Pooh cooked an excellent dinner, and then told the story of baby Jesus followed by birthday cake. Needless to say me and my house went to bed early that evening.


Linda said...

I'm so glad you got to spend time with Heather and her family. Gabe is adorable and I can tell he stole your heart. I can not get over how much Danny's grandaughter reminds of Madeline at that age.

Anonymous said...

Michell, loved the info about your Christmas day, engoyed every word and pictures ,Glad you enjoyed your day with the family, and I am sure you all were very tired that night, love you all lots,,,Mamaw Payne