Monday, December 29, 2008

My Little Ruby

I don't know if any of you are watching the new show on Style Network called "Ruby", but I love this show. It is basically about a woman's weight loss journey, and the trials and things she goes through. You would think okay that's my life why would I need to watch it, well you know me that's EXACTLY why I watch it. It's a great show. Anyway of course the show has a message board, and I couldn't help myself but to make a post....and wouldn't you know Ruby herself responded to my post. I felt honored. I'm putting the link on in case some of you haven't seen the show.

1 comment:

Linda said...

We all watch or listen to other people that relate to our lives. Somehow things do not seem so bad if you know other people struggle with the same things you do. Somehow it gives us hope and with hope comes faith and trusting in God because we know we need His help. I would say your journey is spiritual along with every day life. The secret is can we see the "spiritual realm". I'm very proud of you, Michelle. Love is about the soul..that is what makes us connect.