Monday, December 8, 2008


Inside the mind of a teenagers head is......? That's right I have no idea what so ever sometimes. As you all know Maddie had her party this weekend, and I was

so fortunate to get to spend the evening with these girls. I know these girls pretty well (most of them anyway), and I know there parents. All the girls come from good homes and are raised with good values. Now having said that I was shocked and awed at some of the things they were discussing over the course of the evening. The big thing that had me butting into the conversation was the drinking. Why? I guess I couldn't help myself but but in. Now keep in mind these are 13 and 14 year olds, and out of four of them one had admitted to already trying a drink. I asked the girls the usual questions why would you want to try drinking, what benefit is there, are your friends trying it etc? What was the answer I got...' I don't know'. That translates to I'm not telling you or I truly don't know. This conversation went back and forth for quite awhile. I felt I got through to her, but that doesn't mean I didn't add her by name in my prayers. Raising teenagers is difficult sometimes to say the least, and one of the major difficulties I think is not just worrying and praying for MY child, but worrying and praying for the children that comes in my child's path along the way. The biggest weapon we parents have is prayer. Yes praying for our kids and the kids everywhere, but also praying for ourselves that God gives us wisdom, courage, and the ability to continue loving.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As we grow up, so do our children, good or bad. With that comes different situations..needing different guidance. God gave us the HE sits back and watches how we do. We ask for help and HIS guidance...I believe HE likes that. Just as our children need guidance, so do we. God made it to be a circle..You will do fine. Love ya