Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Fesitval With Rain

I am not a huge rain fan as an adult. Most of the time heavy rain brings on my migraines, of course since the shingles I haven't had a migraine (knock on wood). I seen rain of the forecast and bought some golf umbrellas just in case. I was told over and over again that rain didn't get in the way of these parades. (I knew better) My husband kids me all the time about Eeyore rain cloud stays over me a lot w/the rain. So when we all meet up and I ask about the rain everyone looks at me like I'm crazy says there hasn't been rain all morning. (WHAT?) I even confirmed with the kids about the rain, they agreed. (I thought I might be going crazy)

So off me went to North Ridgeville for the corn festival. Everything went well except for the downpour during the parade. A lot of walkers during the parade didn't participate, but the floats followed though. Some of the other floats were highly prepared with matching umbrellas and those clear slickers. Our girls smiled through it and didn't act like it was raining at all....until they got off the float and w/their parents. Dresses were wet, complaining of course, and the ever so nice run to the car yelling behind them 'mom unlock the doors'. (Back in my day there was no button that automatically unlocked the doors I tell this to the girls, but they act like I'm talking about the dinosaur time period) Now because of the rain most of the activities were shut down which is Brandon's favorite part of a festival day. Not only that Brandon didn't even get any corn at the corn festival.

The start of the the morning before we left I made chili and had it slow cooking in the crock pot for when we returned. Brian had went up the road to get corn and when we arrived home the house smelled great. Everyone changed grabbed their plates headed for the table and was talking a mile a minute. It's the little moments like that that make me smile.

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