Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Program

Last night was Brandon's fifth grade music program. They did the opera 'Carmen'. The school actually had performers from the Cleveland Opera come in to perform with the children. I really enjoyed it personally, however my family didn't feel the same. The adults did more performing than the kids which was a real bummer. For any of you that has been to kids plays you will notice that there are a few that get the good parts and my kids are usually part of the chorus anyway so again it was fine for me. Brandon played the part of a street urchin. He was the cleanest street urchin there was. He really enjoyed the play, but is quick to agree with family members that the play wasn't the best it could have been. Last night before he went to bed though he asked if I wanted to hear more songs he learned from the play, and I listened.


Unknown said...

I bet it was wonderful, do you have any videos?

Anonymous said...

I'm very proud of Brandon, and how he pushes to try new things that might night be the "norm" for him; especially if it doesn't involve a sport! Good job, Brandon!

Emily Jade said...

Wow. Carmen for 5th graders? That was ambitious...