Sunday, February 10, 2008

Dieting, Exercise, Good Health...Oh My

Out here in chubby girl land dieting, exercise, and good health come up all the time. I would love for this to be one of those posts that I'm giving everyone some pearls of's not. There are so many different diets out there now a days, if you are thinking about a diet think about some of your weakness points and try to find a diet that can work with those. Exercise is always a question to think about bottom line start out slow and work up to those marathon runs. Good health is usually a top reason we diet or exercise. Follow your doctors advice about your sugar, or sodium, or whatever the situation is. Now here comes the closest advice I can give you to a pearl of wisdom...laugh. Laughter is what makes the world go around. It relieves stress helps with the health concept. Laughter burns a few calories, and it just makes life better.
All of this being said I want to express some deep thought for a moment. As a chubby girl I ask myself how did I get here, because quite simply put if I don't figure out that I'm bound to get back here in chubby girl land. I've come up with this one I like food I truely appreciate a good meal. I try to figure out exactly what is put into a good meal and how it was made. Two I'm not a huge fan of exercising. And the last thing is I really feel that even if it is a season I was meant to be a chubby girl. Sometimes being skinny doesn't make us better people on the inside. I love myself more now than when I was 18 and skinner. I appreciate all people I'm not judgemental of their outter beauty. Sometimes you've got to walk through a valley before you can get to the top of a hill. Love yourself and be good to yourself and others around you. (picture is from an email I recently received.)


Danielle said...

I've tried to attribute some psychological reason to my chubby girl status...maybe I'm angy, or sad. No, I'm not ultra emotional, to be honest. I think I've come to the same conclusion...I love food. Rich, chocholatey, it! I think it's part of our southern heritage...

I love to exercise..but apparently, not enough...*sigh* oh well!

Emily Jade said...

Walk through the valley? Honey - I've built myself a second home there! Stocked with all the goodies a chubby girl needs to survive, naturally!

Here's my take...I have healthy, happy kids. While yes, it is good to take care of yourself - chances are most of us do not have the time or emotional energy to do so when raising our offspring. This is too often a fact of life. A good meal comforts us, and provides us with that moment of "I really AM a good Mommy, and now I will partake in the physical goodness of this nurturing meal!" I will confess...I also feel the same way if we are eating McDonalds though :O)

Anonymous said...

okay, you all...just remember we want you girls around to take care of us! In 10 years you guys will be in your 40's and I'll be in my 60's...pray I stay in good health or I will be calling on you girls to take care of me...maybe you'll need to be in good health to do that! (Obviously I'm thinking of myself!)

Unknown said...

Yes I hear ya mom.