Friday, August 24, 2007

A New Chapter

There are times in your life that you look back and say how that was a changing point in my life. As you get older you are able to see a situation as a changing point before you make the change. Today I am able to see that my life is about to change. The question is will I make the right choices with the change? I sure hope so. I pray for wisdom, and God's grace on my family. You may be wondering what the change is. Brian's promotion will be taking an effect within the next month. My classes are getting close to the end. The biggest change is my children. Maddie is going to middle school this year, and that opens up doors for her, but it also opens up a whole different world of challenges and temptations. I think it is more scary for me than her. Brandon will be at the elementary without his big sister. This is time for him to be more independent. Again more scary for me than him. It seems the older I get the quicker time goes by. It seemed like only yesterday when I brought them home from the hospital. Change is part of life, and one grows stagnate without it. So onward and upward, here we go!


Danielle said...

You know a friend told me yesterday (commenting on the older you get the faster time seems to go) that the closer to the end of the toilet paper roll you are the faster the paper goes :)

Also...what classes are you taking? I saw you comment on a research paper too.

And, THIRDLY, NICE blogging...soo consistant...I have to take lessons!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Danielle. I have been taking classes for medical billing and coding since last October. It has been a blessing to me.

Anonymous said...

Well Shell, I hate to be the one to break this to you, but - you are getting older. Sadly, we all are. However, you are wonderful mother and will do well helping your children through all their changes.