Tuesday, August 28, 2007

First Day of School

Today is the day I've been counting down for for the last 40 days. It's the day the kids go back to school! The first day is usually the hardest. The kids are excited and nervous at the same time. Madeline was up before I was getting ready, and as a typical young woman tried on several outfits before a decision was met. In defense of her she was happy with the first outfit she had on, it was I who had to say no. First impressions are important they just are. She was more worried about making that first impression with her peers, and I was more focused on her teachers. We made a compromise and everyone was happy. She caught the bus at 6:30. Next was Brandon he knew what he was wearing, and what accessories he wanted, the baseball cap. We compromised with no baseball cap on day 1 seeing how he can only wear it on the bus. He caught the bus at 8:01. I prayed for them, gave them both a kiss, and told them I loved them. Now the rest of the day is up to them.


Unknown said...

I miss you guys so much. Tell the kids I hope they have a good day at school and that I love them. Love You guys!

Danielle said...

Post some pictures of Heather too. I've never seen a picture of her!

Emily Jade said...


God Bless school attendance laws...

Get a myspace so you can see the kids...

Can't wait to talk without interruptions

Unknown said...

I have a blog, it's not great but you check it out, munchkingirl613.blogspot.com