Thursday, August 30, 2007

Football Scrimmage

Today was the first football scrimmage against Edison. The score ended up "tied". It was weird seeing those orange and blue colors again, and even weirder was I was cheering against them. (LOL) I enjoy watching the football games Brandon plays in, but I must confess I do sometimes cover my eyes. I know he is growing up, but it's hard to watch your baby play so rough. I've tried so hard over the last ten years to teach him especially about being easy and gentle with things. Much too my surprise at these games I'm yelling for him to tackle these other boys. Out of all the sports Brandon loves football the most. I loved cheering football the most when I was younger. I do however close my eyes when there is a big pile up hoping my son is not on the bottom of the pile. Okay to find my son in the second picture here's what you do: find the biggest kid on the orange and blue team, next look down at the little kid trying to tackle him, and finally he's next to the number 40. Let me know if you still have trouble finding him.


Wendy said...

Yeah! I love seeing Brandon in his football uniform. It makes him look like such a man. Just be thankful you're not watching your daughter end up at the bottom of the pile up!!

Anonymous said...

There are reasons why Grami doesn't attend alot of football games of Brandon. If he got tackled I'd probably go out there and pull the
other guys off him! I'm so proud of him, and all my grandchildren. I count it such a blessing to be a part of their lives...the good and the not so good. Family...there is nothing better! (You know I'll be at the next game) Love...Grami

Emily Jade said...

gee...guess I don't have to worry about that with Manny anymore...

I second Wendy...Allyson frequently ends up on the bottom of the pile when they drop a stunt - luckily Jilly's usually on the top of her stunt pile. 'Cause if she wasn't - as the flier should well be - her bases would get their butts RIPPED!

Emily Jade said...

I posted some stuff...

BTW - great pix Chelle. I'm going through FB withdrawl...