Sunday, September 11, 2011

In The Land of Teenagers

I have great kids...that being said they are still teenagers. My hair has to be dyed faithfully (the hair that isn't falling out) some would say it's because of my age...I say it's because of the teenagers. I journal more now than when I was a teen, sure it relieves stress, but I also can't wait to show it to my grandkids about how their parents behaved, lol.

It was never a big surprise to me that I raise my kids differently than a lot of parents. That being said I think they tell me way too much about the teenage world. Some things I think I'd be better off not knowing. I am constantly reminding them at the start of their stories "remember I am your parent first not your school buddy". I am preparing them not just to survive this world, but to thrive in it. I'm teaching them to deal with disappointment, life's unfairness, finding balance, working hard, and about a thousand other life lessons that I never thought about.

It's easy to get swept up in their drama, life's drama, and all the other craziness of life. Usually I can keep the balance pretty good making sure to find some workout time to keep stress at bay and have some me time. Lately I got a little less me time, a little less cleaning time, and a standstill at my weight loss. I am a huge organizer and when my schedule gets out of control it shows all over my life. I was able to fill in all the calendar events times and places and said 'no' to events I just can't fit in right now, gave the fridges a deep cleaning and have started my fall cleaning. THIS has somehow put a much needed balance into my world and doesn't make all the teens drama get to me nearly as much.

The photo is a paddle-boat rental at the wellington metro park. My friend had her son & daughter in law's baby shower at the park. I was blown away with how beautiful it was. It was indoors in the air. The room had full size glass windows to see right out at the paddle-boats and the beautiful scenery. I didn't know any of the parks had a place like this, and that it was so close to us.

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