Thursday, August 21, 2008

My Children Are Making Me Old

Laugh all you want at the title of this post, but it's true. My sister is 22 months younger than me, but seems almost a decade younger than me. Why? It's because of the kids. Her youngest is getting ready to potty train. My youngest is going through puberty. This year it seems as though my kids are really getting older which is making me seem older. My oldest has a family of her own. And today Maddie's doctor told us she hadn't grown an inch in a year. She may be done growing. (I instantly felt another gray hair pop out of my head.) My baby boy is finishing his last year of elementary school this year before heading over to the middle school/high school next year. Today at his doc appt. the doc had gave him some cream for a rash (lack of a long story) and told me I could even use it on my wrinkles. HELLO!! Wrinkles do I really have wrinkles that other people are noticing now? (Again another gray hair was sprouting up) What is the magical age that we get old, or is it possibly not an age, but our surroundings and lifestyle that appears to make us older than what we are? I would love some feedback on this topic dear friends of mine.


Danielle said...

You are NOT old, and since I am your age, I can confidently say this:) Of course, my stylist says that all the women he sees who have children seem to go through an excelerated aging processes (in reference to thier HAIR, I assume he's talking about!)

As to my baby, I seem to be carrying high, and I seemed to with Isabelle as well. This pregnancy is MUCH easier than Isabelle, I'm only throwing up about once a week now, as opposed to all of the time. No back ache, just pelvic aching. Hope that helps with the predicting!

Wendy said...

I've tried leaving this comment for 2 days. Anyway~ I know what you mean. I refer to it as 'baby mom', 'toddler mom', 'tween mom' and so on. Actual age is totally irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

Thank God for getting "older"--and "wiser"? If we weren't getting older, we'd be dead!
You earn everyone one of those
wrinkles and gray hairs. However-- in this day and age, we can do something about improving those telltale aging symptoms. Even a little paint on an old barn can improve it's appearance. All I can say is I'm grateful for makeup.
Some things get better as they age..antiques increase in value as they age and are cherished.
Love ya, Aunt Etta