Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The First Day

Today was the first day of school. Oh happy happy day. I will admit I missed them awfully bad. I enjoyed the quiet, but missed the kids. Maddie had a great day of 8th grade. She has a study hall this year that so helps with her work load, and she continued with choir as an elective. She wanted art, but they don't offer it till next year. She has no gym either. It's really sad the programs that aren't offered anymore. She was extremely happy with her first day. Maddie gets to go to Washington D.C. for her class trip this year. (I have never been, and why didn't we ever get class trips in school?)

Brandon also had a great first day of 6th grade. He really surprised himself about how much he liked the first day. He had doubts about being separated from his best friend this year. Bub gets to take a 3 day class trip at some nature camp this year, but is a little reserved about it. (Again we never got no over night trip to anywhere in school.)

Sienna and Sierra stopped by this morning before school. They looked so so cute. Fashion experts all the way. (I know Sierra is going to be disappointed that I didn't post her entire outfit with the shoes.) Oh yes in all the hustle about first days I almost forgot to include Levi. I'm sorry Levi. He was so cute when the girls got out of the van to show me their outfits Levi was hollering the whole time. Mainly because his sisters had left him behind. I guess he has finally reached that stage that he wants to be included with all the kids not just treated like a baby anymore. Big stuff, big first days for all of us.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I've got a few thoughts here~

1. Yes, I think Levi felt left out. But I knew if I got him out of his car seat it would be a wrestling match to get him back in.

2. We should have told Sierra to take her hoodie off.

3. Your kids crack me up! I love the shirts they both have on! But I never would have imagined that either one of them would pick either shirt. They look so nice!