Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A sign of better days

As I was taking pictures outside of Bub yesterday morning I happened to capture this photo. I know all the scientific answers to how the rainbow is captured over the sun with the camera etc, but I can't help but wonder if it actually happened for me. We all know what a rainbow means, but yesterday morning it was more of a sign to me from God that better days are ahead for me, and my family. Yes I know some of you are saying that I may be over thinking this, but nonetheless my theory works for me. I thought some of you might enjoy the photograph if nothing else.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The First Day

Today was the first day of school. Oh happy happy day. I will admit I missed them awfully bad. I enjoyed the quiet, but missed the kids. Maddie had a great day of 8th grade. She has a study hall this year that so helps with her work load, and she continued with choir as an elective. She wanted art, but they don't offer it till next year. She has no gym either. It's really sad the programs that aren't offered anymore. She was extremely happy with her first day. Maddie gets to go to Washington D.C. for her class trip this year. (I have never been, and why didn't we ever get class trips in school?)

Brandon also had a great first day of 6th grade. He really surprised himself about how much he liked the first day. He had doubts about being separated from his best friend this year. Bub gets to take a 3 day class trip at some nature camp this year, but is a little reserved about it. (Again we never got no over night trip to anywhere in school.)

Sienna and Sierra stopped by this morning before school. They looked so so cute. Fashion experts all the way. (I know Sierra is going to be disappointed that I didn't post her entire outfit with the shoes.) Oh yes in all the hustle about first days I almost forgot to include Levi. I'm sorry Levi. He was so cute when the girls got out of the van to show me their outfits Levi was hollering the whole time. Mainly because his sisters had left him behind. I guess he has finally reached that stage that he wants to be included with all the kids not just treated like a baby anymore. Big stuff, big first days for all of us.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

My Children Are Making Me Old

Laugh all you want at the title of this post, but it's true. My sister is 22 months younger than me, but seems almost a decade younger than me. Why? It's because of the kids. Her youngest is getting ready to potty train. My youngest is going through puberty. This year it seems as though my kids are really getting older which is making me seem older. My oldest has a family of her own. And today Maddie's doctor told us she hadn't grown an inch in a year. She may be done growing. (I instantly felt another gray hair pop out of my head.) My baby boy is finishing his last year of elementary school this year before heading over to the middle school/high school next year. Today at his doc appt. the doc had gave him some cream for a rash (lack of a long story) and told me I could even use it on my wrinkles. HELLO!! Wrinkles do I really have wrinkles that other people are noticing now? (Again another gray hair was sprouting up) What is the magical age that we get old, or is it possibly not an age, but our surroundings and lifestyle that appears to make us older than what we are? I would love some feedback on this topic dear friends of mine.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Stuffed Animals

We recently watched a show called "Clean House" on Style network. The purpose of the show is to help families deal with cluttered homes. Anyhow one of their suggestions for children saying farewell to stuffed animals was to take a picture with the child and their stuffed animal before giving it away. Brandon really liked this idea. So when we cleaned his room. (And I say we because it was one of those times that he needed some help otherwise it wasn't going to get clean the way mommy needs it cleaned.) Besides every year before school I help the kids clean their room including closets to get ready for the new school year. Anyhow I'm getting off track here. I was very surprised how many stuffed animals he had, and how many he actually said farewell to. It was 11 years of stuffed animals that until now he couldn't let go of. Of course there were some that he wasn't going to part with, but nonetheless we've made progress.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mr. Levi

Mr. Levi's birthday is Thursday. So Aunt Shell has decided to start wishing Levi a happy birthday a few days early. I have selected some of my favorite photos of him. His personality is really developing now a days, and regardless what his mom says he is a very lovable little man. He has a lot to do now a days and he always seems like he's in a hurry to go about. He has little time to give lots of hugs and kisses to Aunt Shell. He is the mover and shaker of the group. He keeps everyone around him moving and shaking too. Happy 2nd Birthday little man!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Why I Drive Slow

Yes, this post is necessary. It has been brought to my attention that I drive a little slow. This is true I do. I drive on the side of caution. I do the speed limit, but I do not go over it. (I try not to). The reason why is simple besides all of the hundreds of safety issues speeding presents...if I speed I get stopped. It's that simple. Three traffic tickets my whole life all for speeding, twice was on my way to church, and on Mother's day the other time. It's just something I don't enjoy, so that is my whole reasoning for "driving slow". It's not slow it's just the speed limit.