Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Getting Ready For School

We are getting ready for school to start here at our house. It is the one time as an adult that I truly look forward to a countdown. The countdown to the first day of school. Yes of course kids always need the usual things new clothes new supplies etc. and of course everything is costing a near fortune this year. The thing that is coming as a huge shock this year is the medical things. As sports things started happening yesterday that meant I was up at the school and I had already been telling this to my sister of course about insurance things going up, and things not being paid that once were, deductibles raised, etc. What surprised me was I was not alone with this. So many people this year do not have family insurance. The mother told me her story hoping that I could give her some kind of advice on possible avenues she hadn't thought of to turn down yet. Her kids are the same age as mine so some of the avenues I've already explored. The kids needed sports physicals which I knew of free clinics (flyer sent home at end of year, still on fridge). Glasses for her son--not exactly sure Maddie has insurance this year, Bub gets an exam for free this year, but we usually buy the frames at Walmart with a warranty. They have some kind of back to school program it's not just a sale, but there's something about making sure to help children. I don't know all those details. I told her maybe try to call and ask them. Maybe I don't know. The other thing about the lady's situation is she is a family of six who doesn't qualify for assistance from the state and doesn't get a chance at insurance through her husband's new job for almost 10 more months. There was a whole list of things the lady and I discussed yesterday morning. The point here is there's a lot of people out there in a bumpy boat. Getting ready for a new school year is difficult for kids sometimes, but for parents it can be even more challenging.


Danielle said...

I can help!!....
FREE Vision Clinics and probably glasses @ the Bellvue County Health Department. We also have them in Seneca County. The closest date in Bellvue is October 8. Email me and I can get you a number to call to get on the schedule

Anonymous said...