Thursday, July 17, 2008

Making Memories

Bub's favorite game of all time is Monopoly hands down. He wants to play this game all the time still yet. I should be grateful that he is still interested in board games of any kind. This game does take awhile as we all know. Sadly one of things as parents that is a precious commodity is time. How are we going to use the little time we have most efficiently with our children, and still accomplish everything else we have to do. Since I'm back to looking for a job again (since I didn't find one first like any other normal person would have) I have some time in the evening to play some board games with the kids. Maddie usually passes on board games, but anyway. This particular evening Brandon said Mom wouldn't it be cool if we put all my different Monopoly edition games together and played them all at one time. I agreed, knowing that these types of memories do last a lifetime for him and myself. We played for hours and talked about silly things, ideas he had floating in his head, things that bothered him from years ago, phrases he had heard on the bus and never knew what they meant, we talked about stuff. I enjoyed that monopoly game more than I could have ever imagined I would have.

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