Wednesday, November 12, 2008


This is an older picture, but it will work for this post. Last week Madeline broke her glasses in basketball. They did have a warranty on them, but nonetheless we just got them back today. And to make matters that much better she had to get either a new pair of goggles or contacts for basketball. Her prescription had changed dramatically in one year. So what does any good parent do....coughs up more money for contacts. Surprisingly the contacts were only $35 more than the goggles. So as I'm squaring one child away.......let me back up a bit Brandon lost his brand new glasses less than 30 days from me getting him a new pair (warranties don't cover lost), and we've been on the look out for them for a month now. As I square Maddie away the school calls me to tell me Brandon's glasses broke. I thought you've got to be kidding me. Nothing happened to them they just broke (worn out broke). Now of course Brandon needs another pair. We have great eye insurance on the kids, but they have both exhausted their limits. Now since my money tree out back hasn't had a good harvest for as long as I can remember he will have to wait a couple weeks for me to get him another pair again. So what is the lesson I've learned here...simple....patience.

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