Thursday, October 16, 2008

Maddie Update

Yes I know I'm posting several posts today, I have lots to catch up on. The Maddie update....where do I begin. Maddie is hitting the teen years full steam ahead. She is an amazing daughter who makes me so proud everyday. Her mouth is her one downfall that seems to make me and her clash lately. I know the experts say to pick your battles (they obviously never raised teenage girls). I love the fact that I taught her to stand up for what she believes, speak her mind, fight for the things that are important to you. All that is good enough, but I've seem to lack in the teaching of filter those thoughts before they come out in free speech. Stand up for what you believe doesn't mean lash out at mom when she won't let you go over that never met friend's house that is still on house arrest. And fight for what you believe in doesn't mean yell at your mother till she lets you go to a football game to meet a boy. Obviously I wasn't clear on what those values hold. The phrase 'whatever' should also be banned during the teen years. Other than the little bump in the road things are great for her. Her grades are excellent, and basketball season conditioning has already started. There's no book that comes with your child when they are born, it's more like one day at a time and love them through it all. I wasn't the easiest teen to raise either, but through it all my mom kept loving me and praying for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My, my shall I say it again? The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree! She is your daughter, and you will keep loving her and praying for her because that mouth she has on her she got it honestly! Always see the good..let her know the good. You and her both know the bad. A very wise lady taught me that years ago. Encourage the good; downplay the bad if possible! I'm proud of you as a mom and proud of her for who she is!