Sunday, October 26, 2008

Bring On Monday

Yes that's right I'm looking forward to Monday. Sometimes the weekends are rougher than other. This weekend was packed as the weekends sometimes get.
The kids got the flu last Thursday night and are still trying to recover. It use to be a lot simpler when the kids got sick. They were sick and mommy took care of them. Now they get sick mommy takes care of them and before they are even better they are trying to negotiate continuing on with their social lives. Both kids had a busy social calendar for the weekend, and as long as they weren't in the bathroom and had fever reducing medicine they thought they should be allowed to go do what they wanted for the weekend.
Brandon didn't go to school Friday, and all plans for Saturday were squashed. Today came along and his last football game was today in the wind, cold, and drizzling rain. We argued about him not going, and he won against my better judgement and went. He played and if he didn't feel good I would obviously be the last to know. Brandon is not keen on the phrase 'I told you so'. He seems to be doing better still not eating meals more like picking a few foods instead. (Popsicles!!, but h
ey I'm just mom)
Madeline didn't go to school Friday, but was holding her own better than Bub. She argued with me Saturday night about the dance at school that I squashed (cuz she wasn't at school Friday), and she won out going to a small gathering at a friends house for a couple hours. She called to have me pick her up because her fever and flu symptoms returned. She was rough so I held off on the 'I told you so' speech. Today she rested at home with Grami looking after her while we were at the game. (Thanks mom)
So by all means bring on Monday!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Football Season

Where do I even begin about football season and my son? You know how most parents don't want their kids to sit the bench? I am the exact opposite. I am so excited when Bub is on the sidelines or the bench. Why? Well because it makes me feel safe. In picture one he is the little guy next to the super tall lineman. He loves the line and tackling. I cringe every time there is a pile up, because I know my son will be in it. As a mother it is our job to protect and keep our kids safe. It is one of the hardest things for me to him play football. Two more weeks till football ends I can't wait. But on the positive note he absolutely loves to play football and is doing well. His grades are great, and other than him losing his glasses (less than 30 days after I bought them) he is on top of his game.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Maddie Update

Yes I know I'm posting several posts today, I have lots to catch up on. The Maddie update....where do I begin. Maddie is hitting the teen years full steam ahead. She is an amazing daughter who makes me so proud everyday. Her mouth is her one downfall that seems to make me and her clash lately. I know the experts say to pick your battles (they obviously never raised teenage girls). I love the fact that I taught her to stand up for what she believes, speak her mind, fight for the things that are important to you. All that is good enough, but I've seem to lack in the teaching of filter those thoughts before they come out in free speech. Stand up for what you believe doesn't mean lash out at mom when she won't let you go over that never met friend's house that is still on house arrest. And fight for what you believe in doesn't mean yell at your mother till she lets you go to a football game to meet a boy. Obviously I wasn't clear on what those values hold. The phrase 'whatever' should also be banned during the teen years. Other than the little bump in the road things are great for her. Her grades are excellent, and basketball season conditioning has already started. There's no book that comes with your child when they are born, it's more like one day at a time and love them through it all. I wasn't the easiest teen to raise either, but through it all my mom kept loving me and praying for me.

I Know, I Know

I know it's been quite awhile since I posted. Lots has been going on. I have some blogging to catch up on. This is Brandon's 'Fun Run' day where kids from all over the area including all kinds of schools run almost a mile for fun. (To each their own) Brandon loves this type of thing. He didn't place in the top ten, but he still did better than I expected. He had a good time, and it was something new for me to see (the running for fun thing). I did notice something entirely different from the parents I usely encounter at sports events. There were parents actually running next to their child throughout the race coaching them through breathing exercises, and telling them how to stretch their leg muscles. I was blown away by this. Not that it's bad or anything, just different. We learn something new everyday I guess.