Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Getting Ready For School

We are getting ready for school to start here at our house. It is the one time as an adult that I truly look forward to a countdown. The countdown to the first day of school. Yes of course kids always need the usual things new clothes new supplies etc. and of course everything is costing a near fortune this year. The thing that is coming as a huge shock this year is the medical things. As sports things started happening yesterday that meant I was up at the school and I had already been telling this to my sister of course about insurance things going up, and things not being paid that once were, deductibles raised, etc. What surprised me was I was not alone with this. So many people this year do not have family insurance. The mother told me her story hoping that I could give her some kind of advice on possible avenues she hadn't thought of to turn down yet. Her kids are the same age as mine so some of the avenues I've already explored. The kids needed sports physicals which I knew of free clinics (flyer sent home at end of year, still on fridge). Glasses for her son--not exactly sure Maddie has insurance this year, Bub gets an exam for free this year, but we usually buy the frames at Walmart with a warranty. They have some kind of back to school program it's not just a sale, but there's something about making sure to help children. I don't know all those details. I told her maybe try to call and ask them. Maybe I don't know. The other thing about the lady's situation is she is a family of six who doesn't qualify for assistance from the state and doesn't get a chance at insurance through her husband's new job for almost 10 more months. There was a whole list of things the lady and I discussed yesterday morning. The point here is there's a lot of people out there in a bumpy boat. Getting ready for a new school year is difficult for kids sometimes, but for parents it can be even more challenging.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Then There Was Five

The first ever sleepover with all five of Wendy & my children together. The only child we were missing was Heather, but her being 20 and having a family of her own this is the closest we were going to get to having a sleepover with all the kids together. The kids did very very well. Maddie helped out a lot. Sierra and Bub did pretty well not to turn into their alter ego Bonnie and Clyde and plot any huge adventure that needed adult intervention. Sienna did awesome always keeping an extra close eye on Uncle Brian who she still doesn't like. Levi did awesome still playing away. When we were having dinner all the kids helped do something even little Levi was my taste checker, but the kids kept saying I want mommy's chicken. (Pooh brought down an extra chicken so we had two) Now mommy's chicken meant Pooh's kids wanted pooh's chicken, my kids wanted mine. So I cut the chicken in separate plates and gave each kid the chicken they wanted. And of course they then wanted to also try the others also. Sadly, and I do mean sadly they all loved Aunt Poohie's chicken the best. I want to be mature about this but come on they all like her chicken better. Really?!!!?? I say to Sienna, why do you like your mommy's chicken better? I expected to her a 4yr old answer. Here is what I got...."You chicken is too dry Aunt Shell"....WHAT!!! I didn't ask the older kids for their thoughts, I was too afraid. All in all the sleepover went good.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Levi's 1st Sleepover

Levi gets a special post here just about him and I'll post a whole other post with all the other kids later. Levi is almost two years old and has never spent the night away from home yet without his mom. So yes it was long over due for Levi and his mommy. He was such a good boy. He didn't have any problems at all not even at bedtime. (Even though the big kids kept trying to mess with him and keep him up) He played cars, block, his own version of house with Aunt Shell's pots, pans, and plastic cups, we played ball outside, had dinner, had snacks, laughed. (Levi's little laugh made me laugh so hard that I could barely contain myself) All in all I enjoyed Levi coming over very very much. I hope he had as much fun as I enjoyed having him here. He brings a new dimension to the whole family, it's nice to see. He's starting to make his way. It's very interesting to see all the kids together, and how they fit and play different roles and change and grow together. Levi is no longer 'the baby'. He is watched over by the others and makes sure he is included, and of course if something more exciting is going on 'hey mom you got him I'll be right back'. Thank you Pooh for letting Levi coming over to stay.

All For Charity

Madeline finally got her hair cut like she has been wanting all summer long. She has been asking I think every single day, or so it seems. She couldn't be happier. She donated it to the 'Lots of Love' charity. This is her third time donating which they say is really good from a hair growing stand point. I think she loves donating more than the haircut itself sometimes. She's getting older now so she's trying to learn more about the charity and what they do and how people help and what others can do, etc. She is also loving the new hairstyle however come mid-day with the heat the hairdo will still find it's way to the ponytail hairstyle that she has grown to love over the years.

Making Memories

Bub's favorite game of all time is Monopoly hands down. He wants to play this game all the time still yet. I should be grateful that he is still interested in board games of any kind. This game does take awhile as we all know. Sadly one of things as parents that is a precious commodity is time. How are we going to use the little time we have most efficiently with our children, and still accomplish everything else we have to do. Since I'm back to looking for a job again (since I didn't find one first like any other normal person would have) I have some time in the evening to play some board games with the kids. Maddie usually passes on board games, but anyway. This particular evening Brandon said Mom wouldn't it be cool if we put all my different Monopoly edition games together and played them all at one time. I agreed, knowing that these types of memories do last a lifetime for him and myself. We played for hours and talked about silly things, ideas he had floating in his head, things that bothered him from years ago, phrases he had heard on the bus and never knew what they meant, we talked about stuff. I enjoyed that monopoly game more than I could have ever imagined I would have.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fourth of July

Happy 4th everyone!!! Dave & Wendy invited us over to share the holiday with them last night, and I truly appreciated both of them for the invitation. They made me and my children feel very welcome. We had a nice time.

The kids love the fourth, but not for all the reasons you would think. Yes they like fireworks, but they don't have to have them. They love seeing family of course. But it's more than that. It's a pride filled day for them. They love seeing the flags hanging in town. They love singing the American songs on the radio. It is a different holiday as your children start growing up and understanding more about holidays and what they represent to them. Happy fourth of July!