Monday, June 30, 2008

Mr. Bub

This top picture was taken by Sienna Pearl.

She did a pretty good job I think! Brandon is starting to grow up so fast on me. He's at the awkward age that he's not a little kid anymore, but he's not a teen yet. Pooh calls this the "tween" stage. Having a boy at this stage again so much harder than a girl, why? Well quite simply put because I have no idea how to handle it. Brand new territory for me. He's a pretty cool son especially when he's not having a melt down. He loves spending time with Aunt Poohie hands down. If I would let him he would live over there. She is the coolest person he knows hands down. Aunt Poohie is not just an aunt to him she is his second mom. If he asks me for my opinion on something and I don't give him the "right" answer he says give me the phone I'm calling Aunt Poohie. Sierra is his right hand "man" for lack of a better word. David is his best friend who when they are together they mysteriously share one brain. Madeline is his sister who is fights with, but who knows him so well its scary. (But honestly I think that's how sibling are when we were young) He has had a full packed summer so far, and I see him continuing on that path. He's not the kind of kid that is content to chill for longer than a day or so.

A Visit From Gabe

This is Gabe at 2 weeks and 6 days old. Heather & Casey brought the baby up to visit with us (which I was so so excited about). He is so adorable. He wasn't feeling Granny Shell that day but Heather assured me that it was just because he was hungry. Even though when Brian held him to watch sports he was all happy. Go figure. Almost like it is born in them or something. Anyhow just give Gabe a little more time till I can get to know him I'll sway him to the grandma side. Anyway Gabe, Heather, and Casey are all doing just fine.

Here's The Scoop

Here's what's been going on in my little world. About a month ago I was taken to the hospital from work of all places due to my blood pressure being way to high, it had been all over the map that day. My head was hurting so bad and it wasn't even a migraine. They brought it down gave me a shot and sent me home. I seen my doctor they up my blood pressure pills and sent me to a neurologist. The neurologist happened to be an old friend that I use to cheer with way back in the day. I was very comfortable to share everything with her about these migraines and headaches. So hopefully we can get to the bottom of this. In the meantime long long story shortened my job didn't work out. I'm looking for a job in my field. I really want to get my state license, and I need to be working in my field to do that. I left on good terms, and there is a job for me there if I ever want to return. Enough said. Brandon and Madeline are doing well. I've only been home since Friday and they are already ready for me to go back to work. They have been running wild since I've been working, and since I've been home these last few days I've revamped that a little. We really didn't ever find a routine that worked very well for our family, and we have to keep working on one that will. There is always something going on, and somewhere to be. Prioritizing at home has to be something that happens here as well as outside of the home. I know millions of women make it happen everyday for their families. I just need to find that key for my family.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Surfing in Myrtle Beach

As usual I'm behind on my blog. Brandon and Sierra got to go to Myrtle Beach this year with Dad. Maddie had basketball and finals, and Sienna wasn't going unless she could take her mommy. They had a pretty good time, but they did get a little home sick later in the week. One thing I've always wanted to try was surfing so I was so excited that Brandon was able to get a chance to try this. They tried this on boogie boards which are a lot smaller than a surf board. They also look a lot easier because you are not standing up or anything. They appear to be something that the kids can have some fun with the waves with. Sierra's first board broke---the story involves Brandon having something to do with adding to the breaking of this board and Sierra getting a second one to finish out the trip with. The children also brought home hermit crabs in little fish tanks. I can't begin to tell you my level of happiness about that. All in all the trip made memories that the kids will have for a lifetime.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Maddie Update

Madeline has been doing Basketball camp while the others went to Myrtle Beach. She also finished up finals. She is doing open gyms the rest of summer a couple of times a week. Her VCD has been pretty good except a couple flare ups the other day. They were in the HS gym where there is no air and they were doing ladders which are these quick sprints. (Hard to explain) Other than that she's been doing pretty good. She's been working around the house quite a bit doing surface cleaning. Which translates to I can't find my hair dryer every morning, but I appreciate her efforts anyway and don't say anything. She's having a friend over this weekend that she's been looking forward to.

Flying A Kite

I am so behind on blogging so I'm going to try to catch up a little. Before school got out Sierra came over and one of the things we did was fly kites. This was the first time I remember ever flying my own kite. (I'm sure I did as a child I just don't remember). It was so much fun!!! My own children didn't enjoy it half as much as me and Sierra did. She and I took turns flying that kite for over an hour.

Madeline's Quilt

Here is some pictures of Madeline and her quilt that Grandmother Payne made her. I can not begin to tell you how much she truly loves and appreciates it. She actually cried when Mamaw gave it to her. I have always loved and admired quilts (Mamaw's quilts above all others). My children have picked up that same admiration for them. There is something that is so very very special when you know a quilt is made just for you. Thank you Mamaw.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Baby!!!!

This is my grandson Gabriel Matthew. He was born today Sunday June 1, 2008. He was 5 lbs. 15 oz. and 19 inches long. He has brown eyes and a full head of hair. He is absolutely beautiful in every way possible. I have so much to say but for this post I will keep it short. Heather is doing great. She's very very happy. She went completely natural no epidural or drugs of any kind. She didn't even scream for any pain. What a champ. (I am in shock on how she handled everything) Good job Heather & Gabe.

Grandbaby Update

He's on his way!! As of this morning Heather was dialeted to 4...75% aface...and water had broke. Her & Casey want to do this just the two of them, so I am patiently waiting for the phone calls. She wants to try and do the natural childbirth thing. I hope that works well for her (I had the epidural all the way). She is dealing with back labor. My thoughts are on her and the baby. I'm finding it difficult to concentrate on any one project I'm doing today. I know prayer is what she needs most, but it's hard not to be right there for her. Keep Heather, Casey, and the baby in your prayers today.

Sierra Rose

Sierra Rose & Aunt Shell


Last Sunday night Sierra came over and we had a fire out back for Memorial day. We made smores for the first time ever. Usually we are missing an ingredient (usually the chocolate). This was the first time I've ever had a smores in my whole life. It was actually on my list of things I wanted to do in my lifetime. It is so cool to do something on that list. It makes it so much more special and eventful. We had a great time.