Monday, October 17, 2011

Catching up on some of the festivals

I feel the need to try and catch up on a few of the festivals we've hit in the last month or so. I know there seem to be little or no pixs of Brandon. He's going through that I don't want my photo being taken phase AGAIN, and a lot of the festivals lately he has been opting out of. He's uses his alone time to catch up on homework, help me out with laundry, and from the looks of things when I get home pretty much relax.

Moving on to the festivals...first up after melon fest. was the Clyde Fair. The rest of the court was busy doing other commitments that day so it was just Maddie & I. They had this insane breakfast that was all southern cooking...that's right gravy & biscuits were there. It was a smaller breakfast meaning only a handful of courts were there that day. The festival itself was very laid back and had a racing theme to the day. There was so much hay and straw bails that I'm convinced that I'm allergic to one of these. By the time we left my eyes were puffy and I sneezed all the way home.

This was one of those festivals that next year we as a family will probably attend.

Another thing that I'm picking up at these events is ideas...when I leave these things my mind is racing with hundreds of ideas for all sorts of things. (I started carrying a small notepad just to jot some of these down.) Maddie is starting to make friends with a lot of these girls that she sees over and over again. One of these is the queen from Brunswick court Maria. The other picture is her and the Clyde queen, Hailey.

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