Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Antique Festival

The Antique Festival was held in Millerburg. It was on the same exact day as the Wollybear Festival. The original plan was to "split" the court, meaning half go to one and half to the other. The Wollybear is so close that the rest of the court attended that one, and Maddie, myself, and the director attended The Antique. It is located in Holmes Co. in the heart of amish country. It was a beautiful autumn day! All the colors were in bloom. The rest of the court had the float for the day, and the local car dealership was having a huge sale that day so we were out of a convertible. So in true Maddie fashion we took good ole "Bertha" the pick up truck with some hay bales in the back with a blanket over them and off we went.

We are starting to rotate the dresses...or simply put each dress speaks for itself and depending on the weather, the day, and the festival we pick. The blue dress wore only once for the basket festival has a train with it, and Maddie got sick the day she wore it (so she thinks it's bad luck for now) so it hasn't been let out of the closet. If the day has bad weather or Maddie has a lot of walking etc to do she will always pick the purple one. (She says she can move in this one) The day had lots of walking and most of the girls would be wearing "the hoop" dresses, so she going against the grain picked the purple one.

The day started with a tour of a historic Victorian house (amazing), and then we went to this ranch that reminded you of anything but a ranch. (There were no animals, only scenic views and a gorgeous lodge) One of the highlights to the food menu was this insane cinnamon roll (that I should have passed on). It tasted like a pastry. It looked like a large cinnamon roll, but didn't taste like anything I've ever baked. This festival she was able to meet royalty from more of your southern towns in Ohio.

The parade was a lot shorter than the previous ones we'd been too, which was great. This was my first parade that I've drove in. (Just my opinion, but I think throwing candy at a parade should be done away with) I've never felt that way before, but constantly stopping because children are running in front of you scared me to death. I had "the ladies in red hats" float in front of me which is always my favorite. The float behind us was comical. It was for "the rooter man" (plumbing) and it was an old fashion out house with a clothes line on it and everyone dressed in overalls doing some type of jig dancing. I had a hard time not laughing seeing them out my rear view mirror, Maddie had an even harder time keeping her royal smile and wave without busting out laughing.

Needless to say we made it back home to start resting before the wollybear parade even ended.

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